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5 time-saving measures you can do right now

So much of our overall success in our careers and our day-to-day lives are determined by our time management philosophy. There are so many diversions these days that we might waste hours without even realizing it.

And while leisure and downtime are absolutely important, you really may have a problem with time management if you’re averaging 6+ hours a day of screen time from scrolling through social media. 

How Time Management Plays A Major Role In Your Success

Time management is about strategizing and planning your available time to match each task you have each day. However, in order for it to be effective, you must stick as closely to the allotted time frame for each task as possible. It comes more naturally to some people than others, but it really boils down to discipline and habits. 

Time management is also linked to what you value. I always say if you value it, you will make time for it. Valuing your mental health should be top of your list.

Poor time management skills can lead to:

All these reasons are why having an effective time management strategy is truly a major key to your success. 

5 Best Tips to Improve Your Time Management Skills

If you have trouble completing tasks within a reasonable time frame, there are some tips you can apply to yield better results.

  1. Set your priorities and connect them to your values – Some tasks will naturally weigh more heavily on the importance scale than others. Organizing your day and prioritizing are the two first steps in effective time management. Utilizing to-do lists and time management apps could also be huge in helping you to track your time and keep your day in check. 
  2. Avoid Distractions – This is sometimes much easier said than done; however, if we’re honest, unnecessary distractions are one of the biggest causes of bad time management. Some distractions are unavoidable, for instance, if you work from home and have young children home with you, or an ill or elderly family member you’re caring for. But, if your problem is with electronics, putting your phone on ‘do not disturb’ or keeping it out of sight until you’ve completed your tasks is a good way to limit that distraction.
  3. Avoid multitasking – The ability to multitask is valued in today’s culture, but it may damage your time management. Taking on an overwhelming amount of tasks to complete within a short period could affect your efficiency and accuracy. Your productivity will increase if your full attention is devoted to the task at hand instead of being split. You will also be able to complete each task more quickly.
  4. Learn to say no – This tip goes hand in hand with avoiding multitasking. We can sometimes endure guilt for not being able to say yes to every call or knock, but the truth is this could lead to serious burnout. You must set a workload limit and accept the reality that you cannot say yes to everything.
  5. Take breaks – If you have huge tasks set out, it could be tempting to want to complete them all at once. However, this could lead to burnout and have serious implications on your mental health. 

Taking a short break for a few minutes every couple of hours can help you to recharge and bring fresh ideas and energy to your tasks.

It’s also important to remember not to skip out on meals to complete the tasks more quickly. Eating will refuel your body and provide you with the sustained energy you need to complete tasks. 

Once you have mastered effective time management, you will see a huge improvement in your quality of work, and overall quality and balance between work and life. 

To help you with your time management needs try my Healthy Mind, Body, and Business Weekly Planner.