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Finding Joy This Time of Year – Embracing the Shorter Days and Winter Months

Finding Joy This Time of Year – Embracing the Shorter Days and Winter Months

Many of us approach this time of year with a bit of dread. The days are darker, we are seeing less sun, and our energy tends to drop and of course the dreaded cold is coming.

What if we could look at it all differently and embrace this time of year?

Rather than wishing for spring, here are some tips to embrace the time of year and find your joy in this moment.

Mental upgrade: “I GET to enjoy the change of season” – there are many gifts that come with the change of season. What is your list of things you ‘GET’ to do? Here are a few of my favorites.
    1. Enjoy more warm cups of tea.
    2. Indulge in peppermint mochas from time to time.
    3. Light a fire
    4. Watch more movies and cuddle with my favorite people and blanket.
    5. Wear some of my favorite vests, cozy sweaters, hats, scarfs.
    6. Go for walks with no bugs.
    7. Favorite time of year for hikes in the woods.
    8. Have friends over for home cooked meals – lots of soups, and stews.
    9. Make more cozy meals.
Give yourself permission to relax and reflect.
    1. This is a great time of year to reflect inward. I always recommend doing more journaling this time of year. Setting intentions for what you are creating next in your life. Also doing some gratitude journaling to anchor you in the present moment and feel the joy of the NOW.
    2. Relax – this is a great time of year to recharge, just like bears go into hibernation we need to do a little of the same. Maybe go to bed earlier, spend more time meditating, have more quiet time to conserve and replenish our energy. Embrace this time to really relax more with quieter nights at home.
    3. Put a couple of things on the Calendar to look forward to: This helps with the blah days. Book a dinner out with friends, maybe a staycation or holiday. Plan a get together with friends, book a spa day. Whatever brings you joy, make a point to schedule things on the Calendar. Having something to look forward to is always a mood booster.

One thing I was reminded of recently is how precious life is. Life is not meant to be wishing our days away, rather to enjoy them to the fullest. It would be a shame to just be living for the summer months and not enjoy the beauty that the NOW brings. There are many gifts to the shorter days and the colder weather, we might just have to look at it through a new perspective. I love spring and summer, and have also learned to embrace the colder months because life is short, and I don’t want to spend my time wishing it away.

Wishing you many gifts and blessings this time of year.

With love,


CEO of The Positive Change Group