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Your Vibration is Directly Linked to Your Success

Your Vibration is Directly Linked to Your Success


The laws of the universe – makes us all accountable for our own happiness and misery.

The energy or frequency you emit, known as your vibration, influences the outcomes in your life as well as having a discrete influence over those around you. High vibrations, associated with positive emotions and thoughts attract positive experiences and opportunities this means that your vibration is directly linked to your success.

Likewise, lower vibrations that are linked to negativity, attract challenges and setbacks. By consciously raising your vibration through practices like gratitude, mindfulness, and positive thinking, you align yourself with success and well-being.

The core idea is that by taking responsibility for your inner state, you can shape your external reality.

True success, is success in all areas of your life; relationships, wealth, health, career. When success is lacking in an area of your life, you may still feel unbalanced.

Let’s take a look at 5 laws of the universe and how to make them work for you:

Law of Polarity

“Everything has an opposite. If you’re dealing with a difficulty, there is equally the opportunity to achieve something beneficial.”

Make this law work for you by tuning into the thing you want to be experiencing versus focusing your energy on what you do not what to be experiencing. For example, if work feels hard and you keep telling yourself it is hard,  know that ease is also a opportunity or an outcome you can experience by focusing on ease. “This comes easy to me, I do this with ease”.

Law of Vibration

“Every particle in the universe vibrates at a particular frequency. By raising your vibrational energy through positive thoughts and emotions, you attract better experiences.”

The best way to make this law work for you is by checking in with your energy before starting a task. If you feel off or stressed, hit pause, take a few deep breaths, maybe go outside and once you feel the shift withing, then go back to the task.  You will be operating from an elevated vibration which will feel better.

Law of Attraction

“You attract what you focus on. Focusing on positive things brings you more positive things. When you focus on the negative side, such as problems, it will bring you more problems.”

Make this law work for you by paying more attention to where your energy is being focused. This is a powerful law when we work with it to attract more of what we want.

Law of Inspired Action

“To manifest things, you must take inspired or intentional actions towards your goals, not just wish for outcomes.” See your desire as a reality to help take the first steps to inspired action.

Use this law by allowing the action part to be fun and easy. When you take inspired action it doesn’t feel hard, it feels right. If you don’t feel this then take a pause to shift your energy then start your actions again.

Law of Cause and Effect

“Every action has a reaction or consequence. This teaches accountability for our actions.” Actions inspired by higher vibrations lead to better consequences.

The best part of this law is you get to be accountable for your actions and others get to be accountable for theirs. Think of how much energy you waste on worrying about other peoples actions or taking offense to them. You can let this go and let the universe take care of it.

Using these laws of the universe can positively impact your vibration which directly impacts your success. By maintaining a high vibration through positive thoughts, emotions, and actions, you align yourself with opportunities, resources, and people that resonate with success. Conversely, low vibrations rooted in negativity and self-doubt can create obstacles and hinder progress. Understanding and consciously elevating your vibration can be a powerful tool in achieving your goals and manifesting the life you desire.

True fulfillment arises when you find harmony and growth across these key aspects, ensuring a well-rounded and balanced life.

If you are ready to increase your vibration and upgrade your programing to create a success mindset book your complimentary hypnosis consult here.

By Julie Cass

The Positive Change Group

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