Hygge-Inspired Holiday Wellness

Cozy ambiance with decorated Christmas tree in front of a wood fireplace.

Hygge-Inspired Holiday Wellness

Hygge is a Danish concept that encompasses coziness, comfort, and well-being. It encompasses holiday wellness. You can explore how to incorporate hygge principles into the holiday season for a more mindful and relaxing December.

Here are a few ideas to help you set the holiday stage.

  1. Embracing Cozy Rituals: Create cozy holiday rituals like hot cocoa by the fire, reading by candlelight, or warm blankets for a sense of comfort and relaxation.
    • In our home we have a few holiday favorite movies where we make popcorn, light a fire and cozy up together with blankets.
    • Some of our favourites: The holiday, Love Actually, Hallmark Cheese (okay, that is for me mostly), The Noel Diary.
  1. Mindful Gift-Giving: Choose thoughtful, meaningful gifts that focus on experiences, quality, and personal connections rather than consumerism.
    • This year we chose to take the kids our for a special night rather than a gift. We are still doing stockings, but our emotional cups are all filled with more quality connection. So we are giving the gift of time and connection.
  2. Stress Reduction Techniques: Remember stress management during the holiday season. You can choose practices such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga.
    • Some of my Favorite Breath Techniques are the following to create an instant shift:
  1. Healthy Holiday Recipes: Share recipes for nourishing, comforting, and wholesome holiday dishes that prioritize both taste and well-being.
  2. Digital Detox: Disconnect from screens and social media to foster genuine connections with loved ones during the holidays.
    • In or house we have sacred times that are tech free: Mealtimes are tech-free, before bed is tech free (other than using your device for a meditation 😊)
  3. Gratitude and Reflection: Reflect on the year, express gratitude, and set positive intentions for the upcoming one.
    • Gratitude Practice: For 30 days write down 3 things you are feeling appreciation for, big or small, you will be amazed at the energy shift you feel in your body.
  4. Sustainable Celebrations: Have an eco-friendly holiday season, including reducing waste, recycling, and supporting sustainable brands.

We could all use a little extra “Hygge” this holiday season. Just remember how powerful you are when you set a clear intention you create with so much ease. Set and intention for “Hygge” and you will feel the magic around you.

From our Team at the Positive Change we wish you a:

Happy, Healthy and Hygge Holiday Season.

With Love,

Julie, Susan and Team.

The Positive Change Group