A Mental Detox to Create Your Best Summer

A Mental Detox

To Create Your Best Summer Yet

This is a great time of year to do a mental detox and prepare for your best summer ever. There are so many things around us that can trigger a warm feeling inside of gratitude and appreciation. Today while driving, I noticed how green the trees are as they are in full bloom. It gave me a feeling of gratitude that we have the whole summer ahead of us and the warmer weather is here.  Also it reminded me that this life is meant to be lived, it is meant to smile more, to laugh more and find the things that bring us joy. It is meant to let go of our worries as they are a waste of time and elevate our mindset so we can really start living now.

Mental Detox, Not Tomorrow But Now.

My own life really changed when I became more disciplined about my mind and the thoughts I was telling myself. As much as I would feel joy when I would accomplish something, it was only temporary joy. I would quickly be consumed with the next thing on my To Do list. The real bliss happened when, no matter what was going on in my own life, I became more decerning of steering my internal program to a positive one. I love working with my clients on how to elevate their mindset because it is clear how quickly we see changes in one’s moods, stress, and overall happiness.

The following are a few quick tips to help you elevate your mindset today and start to experience a more positive and fulfilling life.

Start your day with “I GET TO”

When you first open your eyes in the morning begin to train your brain into focusing on the positive by saying: “I get to…”  A simple change form I have to, to I get to will create a huge shift in how you feel and how you start your day.

For example upon first opening your eyes say to yourself:

“I get to wake up and have a glass of water, I get to move my body, I get to take a warm shower, I get to choose what to wear today etc…”

This list can go on and on but what you are doing is so powerful because instead of saying I have to which feels like obligation, you are shifting to focus on appreciation of all the privileges you have.

Activate the Feel-Good Hormone

Our bodies are meant to move but not just for physical health but for mental health as well. Did you know moving your body naturally releases the bodies ‘feel good’ hormone; Serotonin? My morning movement is always motivated by how it will make me feel. I always find my capacity is increased for dealing with curve balls that the day might bring, when I have moved my body first.

Engage in regular physical activities that you enjoy, such as swimming, hiking, cycling, or playing sports. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you move your body and the summer is a great time to get outside and do this.  Remember, regular exercise releases endorphins, which can boost your mood and energy levels.

Every morning tell yourself: “I choose to feel good, so I choose to move my body today.”

A Healthy Eating Mindset

When we feel well, we eat well, when we eat well we feel well. It is a great reciprocal relationship but the opposite can be true. When we feel emotionally drained or stressed many of us will opt for “comfort food” to help us cope.

There are many other alternatives that we can use to help deal with stress such as breathing, meditation, walks in nature, focusing on what is in our control etc. When it comes to food, we need to start changing our relationship with food so we don’t use it to self-medicate.

The first thing to do is remember we eat for energy. When you have a busy work week choose foods that will give you the most brain power and energy. This will be mostly fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and a small amount of whole grains. The best rule is to rule out anything that comes in a package because it tends to be more processed. The more food is in a natural state, the more energy giving the food is.

A healthy food mindset will be one that tells your body: “Today I am eating whole foods that give me energy, today I am going to enjoy healthy foods that feels good to my body and mind.”

I love food and I love indulging from time to time in those comfort foods, but it is a very different mindset when we do this mindfully and intentionally at certain times like the weekend and not every day as a habit or crutch to try and feel better. And remember when you do indulge, a healthy mindset does it guilt free and with a lot of joy!

Some key tips for healthy eating

  • Stay hydrated and drink lots of water (Water before coffee in the am)
  • Meal planning – planning your meals midweek will take all the pressure off those last minute crunches where we tend to opt for easy and convenient and not healthy choices.
  • Meal prep will help you stay healthy. Prewash your fruits and veggies and keep them in glass containers in the fridge.
  • Summer salads are a great way to get your veggies in. I do a chunky ’empty the fridge’ salad where I load up on my raw veggies, it adds crunch and gives variety.
  • Daily fasting – our digestive systems need a break. Try to fast at least 12-14 hrs a day. For more information on the health benefits of fasting click here.
  • Remember your Mindset: “I get to eat healthy foods today.”

Socialize with Like Minds

Spend more time with people who make you feel good. A positive mind will attract a positive mind. Like attracts like so schedule and make time for those people in your life and tell them how much you appreciate them. Expressing gratitude for others goes a long way and feels amazing.

I Prioritize ME

We are the captains of our ship, the navigators of our life, and ultimately 100% responsible for our happiness and our misery.  The great news is that happiness is in your power when you prioritize your happiness and your Self.

Setting aside time every day for yourself to connect inwards and to relax is essential food for the mind. This is our brain’s chance to recharge and reconnect with self.

A daily practice of meditation, nature walks, journaling or breath work is a great way to do this.

Remember it all starts with the mind. If you tell yourself that you are a priority, the body will follow. Action around self becomes easier once the mind decides.

Make a sticky note right now and put it somewhere that is visible. “I AM A PRIORITY”.

Keep repeating this until the mind understands and says; yes you are. Now go do something for yourself that feels good!

Remember a positive mind creates a positive life. It all starts with our mind and what we are telling ourselves.

By following these tips, you can keep feeling great as summer approaches and make the most of this vibrant and joyful season. Embrace the warmth, sunshine, and endless possibilities that summer brings!

by Julie Cass of The Positive Change Group

To learn more about Julie’s exclusive coaching to help you master the challenges in your life please book your call HERE.

Making Yourself a Priority

Me First Bestselling book - make yourself a priority

“You become a better person by sacrificing yourself, putting your own needs second and other people’s needs first.” Does this statement sound familiar? It is a lie we have been told that we need to do this in order to be a better person. Nothing could be farther from the truth. 

It is time to let go of the stigma around putting “Me First”. 

It is no one else’s job to make you happy. You are the only one who can do this for you. So then the same holds true for others.  It is never your job to prioritize someone else before yourself, especially their happiness. You will fail every time as they are the only ones who can do it for themselves. 

What Does it Mean to Make Yourself a Priority?

Making yourself a priority is often confused with being selfish. Can you accomplish your dreams while you are drowning? Self-prioritization simply means putting yourself, your goals, and your visions first, because no one else can do it for you. It means letting go of the distractions that stop you from doing this and telling yourself “I am a priority” until you believe it. 

Creating a positive change in our lives and how we exist with others is crucial. To achieve this, one must be aligned to one’s core values, stay motivated, stay emotionally and physically resilient, and maintain a happy life. Oftentimes, however, we focus so much on delivering these values and making a difference in those around us, that we forget the most crucial element to success: our physical and mental health.

Making yourself a priority means you focus on these key elements of success. You prioritize what makes you happy, keeping your health and mental well-being at the forefront. It means focusing on the things that give you energy rather than what depletes you. It means upgrading the internal dialogue to that of deep self love and encouragement rather than self criticism. It means being intentional about prioritizing your happiness and loving yourself enough to choose happiness in life, from your career to your love interests to your daily habits.

Why Is it Important to Make Yourself a Priority?

Life will always have its ups and downs and the most important thing that gets us through is our perspective. When we do not prioritize ourselves it is very easy to not only lose perspective but also get angry and resentful. 

You need energy, bandwidth, and mental wellness to wake up every morning to seize the day. You can only achieve this state if you are focused on yourself and your goals. Most people get frustrated, stressed, and even fall into depression when they can’t accomplish their goals – mostly because they are busy taking care of others.

When you make yourself a priority, you build clarity around the boundaries. You can easily say ‘no’ even when the situation may be compelling you to say ‘yes.’ Agreeing to something that could affect your focus eats away at something inside of you – but not if you set clear boundaries.

Furthermore, prioritizing yourself allows you to stay true to yourself. It means you are constantly doing self checks of what feels good and when it doesn’t feel good it is a sign to pivot or gain a different perspective. When we stay true to ourselves we are able to keep on track with what lights us up and what gives us excitement. We also are able to have ample energy for the people and things we love because we are not constantly draining ourselves. 

Making Yourself a Priority Boosts your Productivity

Disorganization, which comes when you feel like you are being pulled in multiple directions, diverges your energy and focus, affecting productivity. You can create plans with a focus on specific paths to follow, which helps you achieve your goals when you put yourself first. Making decisions and acting organized enables you to focus your energy on a specific task, which leads to improved productivity.

10 Ways to Make Yourself a Priority

Here are 10 ideas you can follow to make yourself a priority.

  1. Set boundaries and keep them
  2. Have a consistent morning routine to set you up for success
  3. Understand that self-care is not a luxury – it’s a necessity
  4. Set aside time for yourself and mark it on the calendar
  5. Put more effort and value into your physical health – sleep well, eat well and exercise more.
  6. Tune into your feelings. They will always be the perfect guide to letting you know you are on track because it will feel good. 
  7. Listen to the “Self-talk” and upgrade the dialogue to more positive talk when necessary. 
  8. You are unique, so stop comparing yourself to others – follow a growth mindset instead.
  9. Always set aside time for appreciation – let yourself feel the things you are most grateful for.
  10. Focus on what is in your control only. The rest will drain your energy.

If you feel like you have been working too hard to impress others, it’s time to change that. It does not mean becoming selfish – just working more on yourself and ignoring the fear of what others may say or think. Don’t ignore your personal needs when striving to achieve your goals: self-prioritization = a happier and more fulfilling life. 

Remember: one key thing is the more we prioritize our happiness the bigger impact we have on those around us. 

Need more tips on how to put yourself first? Check out my book “Me First” to better understand how to prioritize yourself.