A powerful time to let go of the gunk that’s keeping you STUCK

Letting go of the gunk

Now is a powerful time to let go of the gunk that’s keeping you STUCK.

Do you feel overwhelmed and unproductive? Or maybe you keep procrastinating on that thing you want to get done or accomplish. Do you feel like you’re in a spin cycle and tired of feeling the heaviness of stress. Or maybe imposter syndrome keeps creeping up and is holding you back from making that bold step. It’s time to let go.

All these negative emotions create gunk in our emotional tank, and it makes it almost impossible to feel joy. In fact, we may have moments of joy and happiness but they can be fleeting.

So how do we shift? How to we tip the scale in our favour to feel the better feels?

The answer to this is simpler than you might think. However, many of us are doing the one thing that is making it worse because it is what we have been taught from a young age.

The biggest thing that keeps us stuck is by ignoring our feelings or burying them. We tell ourselves, I should be grateful, look at the glass half full. And yes, this is true, but it is hard to do that when we ignore our feelings. If we bury our emotions because we feel guilty or less of a person to have them, we make it worse. We create slug in our emotional tank. When we build this sludge up over the years, we leave little room for joy and happiness.

The key to shifting with ease is to feel what you are feeling, to validate your feelings, to honour and respect your feelings so you can heal. When we do this the most amazing thing happens. We shift. We feel better. The heavy emotions no longer hold us hostage and we have created the space to let in the good.

So, if you are ready to get unstuck, follow along with me in this simple tapping exercise to let go and be free.

Tapping video link HERE

by Julie Cass


SELF CARE HABITS that will make you love yourself more!

SELF CARE HABITS that will make you love yourself more!

Do you feel busy and overwhelmed by lack of time. This is true for so many professional women, and the problem is we tend to sacrifice our own wellbeing when we feel pressed for time. However this leads to burnout and overwhelm which creates the negative downward cycle of spinning our wheels and leaching our joy.

We need to change in order for it to change.

Are you ready to boost your energy and your outlook on life?

When you incorporate self care habits it changes your energy and vibration which changes your life. Time can be our biggest excuse but it is not a matter of time in is what you are prioritizing and it is time to start prioritizing YOU!

Before you know it, this will feel like a normal part of your everyday routines. Let’s take a look at self care habits and begin with adding a little luxury to your life:

Add Luxury to Your Life

Luxuries can be small little thing that makes you feel so much joy. Making your favourite tea, taking a bubble bath, or having a pedicure are great examples of little luxuries. Some of my favourite luxuries don’t cost a dime; like taking a walk in a park, hiking on trails, or simply enjoying a picnic outdoors can be a luxurious and rejuvenating experience that won’t break the bank.


One thing I have learned over my years is that our bodies are meant to move. Finding ways to move your body that feel enjoyable and fulfilling is an important aspect of caring for yourself. If you don’t have time for a work out, simply pick up the pace on routine walks and stairs. You can take 2 trips to unpack the car instead of one and get those extra ‘steps’ into your day.

Body movement offers you better emotional health. The more you do it, the better you will feel.


Decluttering your space can have numerous benefits for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It’s a simple yet powerful way to improve the overall quality of your life and create a space that supports calm. Any underlying stress that you may be feeling might originate from clutter.

To start pick one room to start. Maybe your office or your bedroom. Notice how the extra space makes you feel. Clarity in your space connects to clarity in your mind which sparks creativity.

Inner Dialogue

One of the healthiest and most self-loving things you can do is upgrade the internal dialogue from inner-critic to inner-cheerleader.

To stop negative self talk we must first become aware when we are doing it. As soon as you realize you have slipped into negative thinking, stop it in its tracks! To do this don’t let the thought finish, see a stop sign in front of you or a big X that blocks the thought. Then replace that thought with a positive, self promoting thought. The more you do this the more you reprogram your subconscious mind until it begin to believe this new dialogue.

Yes, your mind will begin another round of negative self-talk, however every time you become aware and immediately interrupt them, it gets easier and easier, less and less.

When you notice negative self-talk, you can challenge yourself by asking “Is this true?” and “Would I say this to a friend?” Chances are the harshness that you speak to yourself would not come close to what you would say to a friend. This realization not only reframes your thoughts more positively, it also helps you to practice self-compassion.

Replace negative thinking with positive affirmations that you know are true about yourself.

Over time, your brain can rewire itself to more positive self-talk. This will be the biggest and most self-loving thing you can do because you will notice your life around you begins to change as you change your internal dialogue. This is your POWER!

Julie Cass

The Positive Change Group

Try a Self-Care Retreat.

Want to create your magic?

Want to create your magic?

Turn up the volume on your SELF-WORTH.

I have learned in my own life and what I have witnessed with my clients over the years is that real magic begins to happen when we can really feel, understand, and believe in our own WORTH.

So much of our disharmony or fear, anger, frustration reflects how we feel about ourselves. We may feel frustrated because something we wanted so badly has not happened. We may feel hurt because we were rejected by a client or maybe a love interest. Or we feel disappointed when something does not work out the way we anticipated.  This all then feeds into a deeper well of not feeling worthy enough.

The issue is, most of us do not understand or connect the dots with this having anything to do with our feelings of lack of self-worth.  Many times, we just feel it is bad luck or worse we criticize ourselves by saying things like; “I’m never going to find a love, I am never going to get this promotion.” etc.

Let’s break this cycle now and create some magic.

I have seen so much magic happen, almost instantly, with myself and my clients when we re-program our minds to feel our unlimited worth.

When we act from a place of elevated worth, we feel worthy to be happy, we feel worthy to relax, we feel worthy to fulfill our desires, we feel worthy to love what we do for a living. It is unlimited to what we can attract that feels so amazing when we act from a place of self-worth.

The real magic in life is knowing your own worth without having to rely on the outside world to give you this validation. It is knowing you are worthy because you are here, because you breathe. It is not having to accomplish another goal to feel it, to achieve a better grade to feel it, to get recognition to feel it. These outside validations feel great, but they are fleeting. The feeling does not last because we become addicted to them and need more of them to keep feeling worthy.  It is not true inner peace; it is only temporary.

Creating real inner peace is knowing you are worthy no matter what.

To know that you are enough right now and that you don’t need to prove anything to anyone to be worthy.

When we understand this and feel this, the best thing happens; all the things you want start to happen in flow.  They do not need to feel like a struggle. It just happens. And yes, it feels good when it happens, but it certainly does not define your worth. Because you already know you are worthy regardless of what is happening around you.

That is living in magic. That is what is possible for you.

To work on reprograming the mind, you can do this through hypnosis and getting our body into a relaxed state so we can begin a new dominant thought around self-worth and love. A new belief and knowing of our worth. Becoming aware and focusing on our core being is vital in detecting our worth. One of the best ways to becoming aware of who we really are is to temporarily let go of the numerous titles we identify with, i.e. a Mother, a Sister, our career,  etc. What is left?

To help you do this I have created a beautiful meditation on Self-Worth.

My suggestion is to listen to this before bed every night and allow your subconscious mind to get a new program and unlock the well and depths of your WORTH.

You got this.

Enjoy the magic.


The Positive Change Group

Creating a Winter Wellness Plan

warming feet by the fireplace

How to Embrace Winter

As we know, many Canadian’s get into a slump around this time of year, as the days get shorter and the temperature gets colder.

Mindset is everything and I have some simple things you can do to help embrace the months ahead.

Creating a Winter Wellness Plan

The winter months can be a time to thrive instead of just plowing through the days, and wishing the time away. It can be a time to create some wonderful memories a time for laughter, a time to thrive with a little sprinkle of warm and cozy.

Having a winter wellness plan allows you to mentally set an intention and a clear path on how to cultivate joy for the season.

Simply set a specific intention on how you are going to embrace the winter. Our minds are so powerful and dictate so much of how we feel, so when we set a clear intention we are priming our mind for happiness and peace no matter how cold it gets outside.

Hear are some intentions I have on my plan:

  1. Really appreciating my warm coat, scarf, mitts and walking my dog every night.
  2. Dusting off my skates and looking for opportunities to embrace the kid in me.
  3. Having cozy candlelit dinners with the family.
  4. Putting something on the calendar to look forward to like a date night with your partner or friend.
  5. Using my diffuser daily  to fill my house and office with warm cozy, uplifting aromas.

Winter Wellness Plan Image

What’s on your winter wellness plan?

Additional Tips to Keep Your Mind Elevated this Winter

Simple pleasures at home can make a difference in shifting your mood and lifting the energy in your home:

  • Light a candle or turn the fireplace on to set a cozy ambiance.
  • Have a nice collection of teas for soothing comfort after a meal. add ref to Yogi tea and makes house smell great.
  • Take a warm bubble bath.
  • Diffuse essential oils like cinnamon, cloves and orange for an uplifting aroma.
  • Cuddle on the coach with your favourite blanket, a good book or uplifting movie.

Anything that creates warmth and comfort in the home also creates it in the mind; don’t you agree?

Winter is an excellent time to take better care of yourself, and we’re here for you. By planning ahead, you can avoid most of the things that lead to stress during this time of year. Take a few minutes to work through a wellness plan so you can stay happy and healthy throughout winter.

More Winter Wellness Tips

  • Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is one of the best ways to reduce stress and improve your mood. If you have trouble falling asleep, try going to bed earlier, or doing something relaxing like reading before bedtime.

  • Plan for Meals and Snacks

You should always have healthy snacks on hand to help you avoid overeating at meals. Try putting together a few different types of snacks to keep things interesting.

  • Practice Breathing Exercises

Inhaling deeply can help you relax and reduce stress levels throughout your body.

  • Connect more with people that feel good to be around.

Connection is important, the right connection will lift your spirits.

  • Get Moving

You should aim to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. It’s best to do this in several short bursts throughout the day rather than one long session. You don’t need to go for a run or lift weights to lower stress and improve your mood. Try going for a walk after dinner, or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Find a walking buddy or workout buddy that can help keep you accountable.

  • Last and certainly not least; remember to take time for yourself! Winter is a great time for inner reflection. Daily meditations or journaling can be just what your soul needs for that warm peaceful, self-loving feeling.


with Love,

Julie Cass

The Positive Change Group


Making Yourself a Priority

Me First Bestselling book - make yourself a priority

“You become a better person by sacrificing yourself, putting your own needs second and other people’s needs first.” Does this statement sound familiar? It is a lie we have been told that we need to do this in order to be a better person. Nothing could be farther from the truth. 

It is time to let go of the stigma around putting “Me First”. 

It is no one else’s job to make you happy. You are the only one who can do this for you. So then the same holds true for others.  It is never your job to prioritize someone else before yourself, especially their happiness. You will fail every time as they are the only ones who can do it for themselves. 

What Does it Mean to Make Yourself a Priority?

Making yourself a priority is often confused with being selfish. Can you accomplish your dreams while you are drowning? Self-prioritization simply means putting yourself, your goals, and your visions first, because no one else can do it for you. It means letting go of the distractions that stop you from doing this and telling yourself “I am a priority” until you believe it. 

Creating a positive change in our lives and how we exist with others is crucial. To achieve this, one must be aligned to one’s core values, stay motivated, stay emotionally and physically resilient, and maintain a happy life. Oftentimes, however, we focus so much on delivering these values and making a difference in those around us, that we forget the most crucial element to success: our physical and mental health.

Making yourself a priority means you focus on these key elements of success. You prioritize what makes you happy, keeping your health and mental well-being at the forefront. It means focusing on the things that give you energy rather than what depletes you. It means upgrading the internal dialogue to that of deep self love and encouragement rather than self criticism. It means being intentional about prioritizing your happiness and loving yourself enough to choose happiness in life, from your career to your love interests to your daily habits.

Why Is it Important to Make Yourself a Priority?

Life will always have its ups and downs and the most important thing that gets us through is our perspective. When we do not prioritize ourselves it is very easy to not only lose perspective but also get angry and resentful. 

You need energy, bandwidth, and mental wellness to wake up every morning to seize the day. You can only achieve this state if you are focused on yourself and your goals. Most people get frustrated, stressed, and even fall into depression when they can’t accomplish their goals – mostly because they are busy taking care of others.

When you make yourself a priority, you build clarity around the boundaries. You can easily say ‘no’ even when the situation may be compelling you to say ‘yes.’ Agreeing to something that could affect your focus eats away at something inside of you – but not if you set clear boundaries.

Furthermore, prioritizing yourself allows you to stay true to yourself. It means you are constantly doing self checks of what feels good and when it doesn’t feel good it is a sign to pivot or gain a different perspective. When we stay true to ourselves we are able to keep on track with what lights us up and what gives us excitement. We also are able to have ample energy for the people and things we love because we are not constantly draining ourselves. 

Making Yourself a Priority Boosts your Productivity

Disorganization, which comes when you feel like you are being pulled in multiple directions, diverges your energy and focus, affecting productivity. You can create plans with a focus on specific paths to follow, which helps you achieve your goals when you put yourself first. Making decisions and acting organized enables you to focus your energy on a specific task, which leads to improved productivity.

10 Ways to Make Yourself a Priority

Here are 10 ideas you can follow to make yourself a priority.

  1. Set boundaries and keep them
  2. Have a consistent morning routine to set you up for success
  3. Understand that self-care is not a luxury – it’s a necessity
  4. Set aside time for yourself and mark it on the calendar
  5. Put more effort and value into your physical health – sleep well, eat well and exercise more.
  6. Tune into your feelings. They will always be the perfect guide to letting you know you are on track because it will feel good. 
  7. Listen to the “Self-talk” and upgrade the dialogue to more positive talk when necessary. 
  8. You are unique, so stop comparing yourself to others – follow a growth mindset instead.
  9. Always set aside time for appreciation – let yourself feel the things you are most grateful for.
  10. Focus on what is in your control only. The rest will drain your energy.

If you feel like you have been working too hard to impress others, it’s time to change that. It does not mean becoming selfish – just working more on yourself and ignoring the fear of what others may say or think. Don’t ignore your personal needs when striving to achieve your goals: self-prioritization = a happier and more fulfilling life. 

Remember: one key thing is the more we prioritize our happiness the bigger impact we have on those around us. 

Need more tips on how to put yourself first? Check out my book “Me First” to better understand how to prioritize yourself.