A powerful time to let go of the gunk that’s keeping you STUCK

Letting go of the gunk

Now is a powerful time to let go of the gunk that’s keeping you STUCK.

Do you feel overwhelmed and unproductive? Or maybe you keep procrastinating on that thing you want to get done or accomplish. Do you feel like you’re in a spin cycle and tired of feeling the heaviness of stress. Or maybe imposter syndrome keeps creeping up and is holding you back from making that bold step. It’s time to let go.

All these negative emotions create gunk in our emotional tank, and it makes it almost impossible to feel joy. In fact, we may have moments of joy and happiness but they can be fleeting.

So how do we shift? How to we tip the scale in our favour to feel the better feels?

The answer to this is simpler than you might think. However, many of us are doing the one thing that is making it worse because it is what we have been taught from a young age.

The biggest thing that keeps us stuck is by ignoring our feelings or burying them. We tell ourselves, I should be grateful, look at the glass half full. And yes, this is true, but it is hard to do that when we ignore our feelings. If we bury our emotions because we feel guilty or less of a person to have them, we make it worse. We create slug in our emotional tank. When we build this sludge up over the years, we leave little room for joy and happiness.

The key to shifting with ease is to feel what you are feeling, to validate your feelings, to honour and respect your feelings so you can heal. When we do this the most amazing thing happens. We shift. We feel better. The heavy emotions no longer hold us hostage and we have created the space to let in the good.

So, if you are ready to get unstuck, follow along with me in this simple tapping exercise to let go and be free.

Tapping video link HERE

by Julie Cass


The Power of Women Supporting Women

The Power of Women Supporting Women


Magical Things

One of the most magical things I get to witness when hosting our Hypnosis Healers Retreats is the power that happens when a group of like-minded women get in the same room.  We see women supporting women. There is a collective belief that begins to form where you truly believe anything is possible. You can feel the energy rise, people’s eyes get brighter with seeing and believing that they can turn the volume up on their dreams and start to believe that they are possible.

Having a whole room filled with women holding that belief for you is like nothing I have ever witnessed before. Think of it like that special friend in your life where you feel safe to be vulnerable, where you feel safe to share your wildest dreams, where you know you will be encouraged rather than discouraged. Where you will be told “of course you can” vs. “no you can’t”. Now imagine that feeling amplified because it is not just one special friend but many holding the space for you to dream, to grow, to reach new heights.

I get goose bumps as I write this, because the power of women supporting women is magical.
  • It lifts us to new heights that we couldn’t think was possible on our own.
  • It stretches our imaginations as to what is possible.
  • It turns our limitations into limitless potential.
  • It is like having a bunch of cheerleaders routing for your success. As a facilitator, I am always reminded of why we do what we do. It to witness the healing and aha moments where women get to feel their true worthiness.

On our last retreat one of the highlights for me was during our closing circle. One of the attendees shared that for the first time in her life, she truly felt worthy. Then she went on to say that when she looked in the mirror, she swore the face looking back at her looked younger. I will remember that moment for the rest of my life, that is the magic that women supporting women can create.

How Often are You Supported?

For many of us unfortunately we do not experience this support often enough. Whether we have grown up in a competitive world where we believe that someone else’s success impedes our own, or we have not had the privilege of surrounding ourselves with emotionally healthy women that can hold that space for us.  I often hear from women and have experienced it in my own life that women can be nasty to each other. We can criticize and look for faults with too much ease. Unfortunately, this causes us to be guarded to protect our hearts. The most devastating thing is it can dim our light and make us feel small.

This feeling of being small can translate into not feeling worthy which can manifest in many negative ways.  Such as, not feeling worthy to get the promotion, not feeling worthy to attract our soulmate not feeling worthy to our rightful abundance, and ultimately can be not feeling worthy to feel our joy and so on.

Now imagine a powerful 3 days, where those emotional shackles that hold you back in your life can be healed. Imagine the feeling of being liberated from some of the trauma that has made you believe for any period that you are not worthy. This is the power that we have as women and the best part is when we believe in someone else our own light shines brighter. It is a healing experience to support one another and to be supported.

I know we are all meant to experience the feeling of being seen and heard, of knowing that you are never alone. This feeling of unlocking the power that is within and using that power now.

This is your life and you are meant to shine your light.

The power of women supporting women creates a collective energy that is so bright and powerful; people will ask what you have been doing.

If you are ready to shine your light, please join us on our next retreat.

Spots fill up quickly so act fast.  You deserve to live as your authentic self! 💚

More details at https://hypnosishealers.ca/

by Julie Cass

The Positive Change Group

Want to create your magic?

Want to create your magic?

Turn up the volume on your SELF-WORTH.

I have learned in my own life and what I have witnessed with my clients over the years is that real magic begins to happen when we can really feel, understand, and believe in our own WORTH.

So much of our disharmony or fear, anger, frustration reflects how we feel about ourselves. We may feel frustrated because something we wanted so badly has not happened. We may feel hurt because we were rejected by a client or maybe a love interest. Or we feel disappointed when something does not work out the way we anticipated.  This all then feeds into a deeper well of not feeling worthy enough.

The issue is, most of us do not understand or connect the dots with this having anything to do with our feelings of lack of self-worth.  Many times, we just feel it is bad luck or worse we criticize ourselves by saying things like; “I’m never going to find a love, I am never going to get this promotion.” etc.

Let’s break this cycle now and create some magic.

I have seen so much magic happen, almost instantly, with myself and my clients when we re-program our minds to feel our unlimited worth.

When we act from a place of elevated worth, we feel worthy to be happy, we feel worthy to relax, we feel worthy to fulfill our desires, we feel worthy to love what we do for a living. It is unlimited to what we can attract that feels so amazing when we act from a place of self-worth.

The real magic in life is knowing your own worth without having to rely on the outside world to give you this validation. It is knowing you are worthy because you are here, because you breathe. It is not having to accomplish another goal to feel it, to achieve a better grade to feel it, to get recognition to feel it. These outside validations feel great, but they are fleeting. The feeling does not last because we become addicted to them and need more of them to keep feeling worthy.  It is not true inner peace; it is only temporary.

Creating real inner peace is knowing you are worthy no matter what.

To know that you are enough right now and that you don’t need to prove anything to anyone to be worthy.

When we understand this and feel this, the best thing happens; all the things you want start to happen in flow.  They do not need to feel like a struggle. It just happens. And yes, it feels good when it happens, but it certainly does not define your worth. Because you already know you are worthy regardless of what is happening around you.

That is living in magic. That is what is possible for you.

To work on reprograming the mind, you can do this through hypnosis and getting our body into a relaxed state so we can begin a new dominant thought around self-worth and love. A new belief and knowing of our worth. Becoming aware and focusing on our core being is vital in detecting our worth. One of the best ways to becoming aware of who we really are is to temporarily let go of the numerous titles we identify with, i.e. a Mother, a Sister, our career,  etc. What is left?

To help you do this I have created a beautiful meditation on Self-Worth.

My suggestion is to listen to this before bed every night and allow your subconscious mind to get a new program and unlock the well and depths of your WORTH.

You got this.

Enjoy the magic.


The Positive Change Group