Empower Yourself!

Empower Yourself

You like many Canadians might be struggling to keep your mood up and your goals on track. Statistics show only 9% of Canadians stick to their New Years Resolutions. What are we doing wrong and how can you empower yourself?

The key is to approach this from a different perspective and there is only one true way to make anything stick. Your mind needs to decide first and then the body will follow.

I want to share with you 3 simple mindset shifts to create lasting positive habits for a new better feeling you. Setting goals and intentions are needed but upgrading your mindset is what makes healthy habits stick.

3 Mindset Up-grades for a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Re-prioritizing Self – “I am a Priority”
  • Many of us do not believe we are a priority, and until that belief changes it is almost impossible to create self-care habits that stick.
  • Upgrade your belief system by telling yourself over and over again “I am a Priority”.
  • “No time” is no longer an excuse – because you have changed what you prioritize and it is never about time, it is simply about what we prioritize.
  1. Do what feels good
  • Use your feelings as a motivator – everyone wants to feel better so use your feelings as a motivator.
  • Ask yourself: How will this morning walk make me feel?
  • Make a list of all the healthy habits that make you feel better e.g.: hiking outside, skating, clean eating, yoga, meditation, reading, journaling, etc.
  1. Mindset shift – moving from “I have to” to “I get to”
  • Upgrading the mind to “I get to” i.e. – I get to work out, I get to go for a walk, I get to take a yoga class. This will create a shift in your body, and you will feel a level of appreciation rather than another thing on the To-Do list
  • Gratitude and appreciation shifts our attitude and our energy. It is a wonderful self-healing emotion, and we can learn to feel more of it. Using “I get to”, helps you to feel this energy more.


The end result is lasting change that becomes a lifestyle rather than a temporary goal or the viscous cycle of healthy vs unhealthy choices. Once it become a lifestyle you don’t even need new years resolutions. You might need a little reset after holiday indulgence but that is easy to achieve.

To really integrate lifestyle changes around food, It is time to start changing your relationship around your own personal health. It must always be a priority no matter what, and your personal health should never be something you negotiate.

When you adopt an ‘I am a priority’ mentality you will always be working towards your own personal alignment with each choice you make throughout the day and your own personal alignment is always about what will FEEL the best for you.

The beautiful thing about this is we allow ourselves to indulge and enjoy, like over the holidays but with a mindful approach.

What is a mindful approach around eating?

A mindful approach is that I am really going to enjoy my food with no guilt or shame. (Which are the lowest energies for us to feel) A mindful approach is I am going to enjoy this delicious piece of chocolate cake with appreciation and joy.  The energy of how you eat is just as important as what you eat. When we eat with guilt, we make our food worse for our health.

Infuse each bite with love an appreciation. Not only will you enjoy it more, but it is easy to self-regulate because you have adopted a healthy lifestyle you might only want one piece of cake and you will still regularly work out and move your body because ultimately it feels better.

In Conclusion…

Don’t beat yourself up around your choices or if you haven’t been able to stick to some new goals.

Remember a couple of key things:
  1. You can hit the reset button at any moment.
  2. Don’t give up on your health
  3. Upgrade your mindset around a healthy lifestyle being top priority
  4. Enjoy food with appreciation and no guilt and you will be able self-regulate with ease.

You have all the power within you to make changes, just know you are a priority first and empower yourself.

For more information and techniques on how to do this, pick-up a copy of my best-selling book ‘Me First’ HERE,

or from Amazon.

by Julie Cass

The Positive Change Group

Empower Yourself to Reach your Goals

Personal empowerment

Personal Empowerment

Do you ever feel like you have no control over your life and work? Perhaps you feel dominated by your colleagues or overwhelmed by the demands of your job. Or is your time outside the workplace spent tending to other people’s needs at the expense of your own?  

This sense of powerlessness can be immensely frustrating. But, no matter what personal challenges you face, you can always make choices that give you back control in any environment. Understanding this is the essence of self-empowerment.  

In this article, we examine personal empowerment in more detail and explore the tools and techniques that you can use to achieve your goals. 

What Is Personal Empowerment?  

Personal empowerment is about taking control of your own life and making positive changes based on what you want.  

It’s closely linked to attributes like self-esteem, but true empowerment comes when you convert intention into action.  

Personal empowerment means permitting yourself to succeed, because you believe in yourself.   

Remember that “empowerment” is not the same as “entitlement.” People who feel entitled tend to believe that benefits and privileges should come to them automatically, while empowered people achieve success through their actions, reflection, and cooperation.  

How To Achieve Self-Empowerment  

Unhappiness is usually from unfulfilled desires, for you and others. You desperately want to feel stronger and make a bigger impact, but how do you do it?  

Consider this four-step process for personal empowerment to reach your goals and get what you want. 

Stage One: Get Clear on What you Want  

When you feel that you lack power, your confidence and self-esteem can take a knock, too. Developing your self-awareness depends on the extent to which you believe that you are the master of your own destiny or that external forces, people, or events determine your outcomes.  

The first step to reaching goals is to get clarity on what you want. Understanding that creating empowerment and creating anything stems from a desire. Desires are a nudge from your higher self and the more you listen the more powerful you will become. It’s the first step in adopting a winning mindset. Listing all of the things that you’re good at – and that you could be great at – can be hugely empowering in itself. Building on those strengths and knowing how to deal with your limitations can give you an even bigger boost.  

Understanding yourself better is a core aspect of emotional intelligence, and a qualified counselor or coach can help you identify these areas.  

Focus on the desires that mean the most to you and correspond with your personal values, and heart.  

Stage Two: Beliefs  

In order for any desire to come true, we need to believe that it can. Your beliefs turbo-charge your desires and make them take shape and manifest. Without belief your desires are just a wish.  

Positively charge your beliefs and you positively charge your desires into motion.  Like many things, this is a process because most of us have been living by limiting beliefs our whole life.   

These limiting beliefs have created most of the dialogue in our heads which has created the outcomes in our lives.  These limiting beliefs have been cycled down through the generations and most generations have added new limiting beliefs to the pile.  You have the power to break this cycle.  You are greater than any limiting belief you have adopted.   

Break the Cycle of Limiting Beliefs  

For every limiting belief you can create an unlimiting belief.  Every time your mind drifts to the limiting belief, you stop the thought and replace it with the non limiting belief.  Feel the difference in your body when you really repeat and let the non limiting belief vibrate through.  

Stage Three: Power of the Mind 

Persistence And Resilience 

Celebrating small achievements is important for building confidence and self-love. Keeping a record of your progress enables you to see how far you’ve come – and to consider where you went wrong. 

Restructuring your mind enables you to see the consequences of negative thought patterns and become more optimistic.  


Affirmations are a powerful tool that can help to encourage you to keep the power of your mind positive. Repeat affirmations daily, write affirmations down as your commitment to yourself. 

Examples of affirmations:

“I am worthy”

“There is always opportunity’

“I am abundant and prosperous”


We all need a personal cheerleader, someone who believes in you. Hiring an empowerment coach helps enable you to make positive decisions and to take action that will bring you closer to achieving your goals and ambitions.  

Stage 4 – Inspired Actions and Results 

What action steps are you called to do? This should feel effortless because it comes from a place of empowerment and alignment with your desires, rather than from fear. 

Take your first few steps! Then review and reflect on your achievements so far. Check yourself for feedback, because only you know how well you are progressing in this inner work. You might even hear from the people around you on the positive changes they see. 

Personal empowerment helps you achieve your goals because you gain control of your life. It enables you to make positive decisions and take action to bring you closer to achieving your goals and ambitions. 
The Positive Change Group is here to guide you through your journey of personal empowerment.  Learn more about how we can help tap into your pure potential.

by Julie Cass

How to Live an Optimized Life

How to Live an Optimized Life
You may have mixed emotions based on life over the past two years. Are you hoping for change and improvement and yet feel disappointed?
If you are tired of feeling frustrated and want to live a fully vibrant life instead, then there are a few key principles that are necessary for us to integrate.

Below are tips on how to live an optimized life.


Raise your vibration any chance you get:
Pay more attention to how you feel. Your feelings are your roadmap to letting you know if you are living an optimal life.
  • When your conversations feel heavy, then change the subject.
  • If what you are watching doesn’t make you feel good, then change the channel.
  • If what you are listening to doesn’t make you feel good, then change it to something that does.
Raising your vibration is one of the most powerful things you can do to create a happier reality. Use your feelings as your guide and do more of what feels good.
Focus on what is in your control:
There have been many things that have been out of our control the past couple of years. When we focus our attention on this, we feel heavy and it breeds fear. Instead, focus on what’s in your control as this will heighten your energy and your mood and help you know how to live an optimized life.
Ask for what you want:
Being clear on what you want to create in 2022 is the first step to manifesting. Being more deliberate in your creations is called being a “conscious creator”. In order to do this:
1. Get clear on what you want.
2. Don’t put any attention on what you don’t want.
Many of us are programed to focus more on what we don’t want and the problem with this is that you create more of what you don’t want.
2022 is the perfect time to make these changes and deliberately bring in more of what you do want.
Let gratitude change your attitude:


When we have gratitude for what we have we always feel better. This raises our vibration instantly. Also if we can have gratitude for what we desire and believe it is coming, this is where the true magic happens.
Let gratitude for what is and what is to come be your focus this year.
The Positive Change Group offers an ‘Empowered’ course online, you can check it out HERE.