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Yogi Tea

Yogi Tea Recipe

Here’s a cozy hot tea that makes the whole house smell fabulous.

The simple pleasures is where it’s at in life. With the winter months and the colder weather here, simple pleasures like a spicy warm homemade cup of delightful tea can help shift our energy and feel a sense of gratitude.

This recipe brings me so much joy, not only in making it but also sharing it with friends. I often have a pot of this simmering on the stove during the colder months.

It’s the perfect accompaniment on the sofa, by the fire, or under a warm cozy blanket. The delightful taste of the combined spices is beautiful. It is definitely one for the taste buds and it warms the body and soul with every nurturing sip of this cup of love.

Make it for friends and the whole family to enjoy.

Hope you love this as much as we do!

You can substitute any milk alternative of your choice. i.e. Oat Milk, Almond Milk, etc.

*Here is the original Yogi Bhajan recipe:

Measurements can vary according to your taste. Be careful not to put in too many cloves or cinnamon sticks.

To 3 litres of boiling water add:

  • 20 whole cloves, see them dance!
  • 20 whole green cardamom pods (you can open them up)
  • 20 whole black peppercorns
  • 5 sticks of cinnamon

Continue boiling for 15 – 20 minutes, then add:

  • 1/4 teaspoon of any black tea. After one or two minutes add:
  • 1/2 cup cold milk per cup of remaining liquid

When it returns to the boiling point, remove immediately from heat. (Watch closely so it doesn’t boil over.) Strain and serve with honey to taste, if desired.

The black pepper is a blood purifier, the cardamom is for the colon, the cloves for the nervous system, and the cinnamon for the bones. The milk aids in the easy assimilation of the spices and avoids irritation to the colon. The black tea acts as an alloy for all the ingredients, achieving a new chemical structure which makes the tea a healthy as well as delicious drink.

Slices of fresh ginger root may also be included, especially when you are suffering from a cold, recovering from the flu, or you just want extra energy.

*This recipe is from the Book; Kundalini Yoga: The Flow of Eternal Power. It was printed with permission from Copyright 1969 Yogi Bhajan.

with Love,



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Yogi Tea

Yogi Tea Recipe Here’s a cozy hot tea that makes the whole house smell fabulous. The simple pleasures is where it’s at in life. With

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