A powerful time to let go of the gunk that’s keeping you STUCK

Letting go of the gunk

Now is a powerful time to let go of the gunk that’s keeping you STUCK.

Do you feel overwhelmed and unproductive? Or maybe you keep procrastinating on that thing you want to get done or accomplish. Do you feel like you’re in a spin cycle and tired of feeling the heaviness of stress. Or maybe imposter syndrome keeps creeping up and is holding you back from making that bold step. It’s time to let go.

All these negative emotions create gunk in our emotional tank, and it makes it almost impossible to feel joy. In fact, we may have moments of joy and happiness but they can be fleeting.

So how do we shift? How to we tip the scale in our favour to feel the better feels?

The answer to this is simpler than you might think. However, many of us are doing the one thing that is making it worse because it is what we have been taught from a young age.

The biggest thing that keeps us stuck is by ignoring our feelings or burying them. We tell ourselves, I should be grateful, look at the glass half full. And yes, this is true, but it is hard to do that when we ignore our feelings. If we bury our emotions because we feel guilty or less of a person to have them, we make it worse. We create slug in our emotional tank. When we build this sludge up over the years, we leave little room for joy and happiness.

The key to shifting with ease is to feel what you are feeling, to validate your feelings, to honour and respect your feelings so you can heal. When we do this the most amazing thing happens. We shift. We feel better. The heavy emotions no longer hold us hostage and we have created the space to let in the good.

So, if you are ready to get unstuck, follow along with me in this simple tapping exercise to let go and be free.

Tapping video link HERE

by Julie Cass


How to Make The Most of Our Summer

Woman wearing a straw hat and sun glasses on a beach

How to Make The Most of Our Summer

They say time flies when you are having fun and nothing can be more true then our precious summer months. Once September approaches, I always find myself saying, “the summer flew by”.

The key to getting the most out of our summer is by being more intentional with this time. Our short summers are precious, so to really maximize the time and benefit here are some of my simple rules:

Start Each Day with a Powerful Intention:

I have often found in my life that when I start each day with an intention I get the most out of that day. Intentions in our mind are like channels on a TV, you can choose what you are dialed into and what you want to focus on. So when we set intentions to have a great day, to have fun, to be productive so I can play hard etc., we get to experience exactly that.

End with Gratitude and Reflection:

Ending each day of your summer before you fall asleep with some daily gratitude will anchor in that good feeling and raise your vibration for your next day. Gratitude at the end of the night allows you to anchor in all the good that you have. It will allow you to tune into more of the magic that is all around this time of year.

Summer Goals:

Set some goals for yourself. These can be small, like reading a new book, or big, like learning a new skill. Writing down your goals and checking them off as you go gives you a sense of accomplishment and keeps you motivated.

  • This summer me and my family have all decided to learn Italian. We are having so much fun on Duolingo spending minutes a day and challenging and motivating each other.

Making the Most of Nature:

Nature is medicine and this time of year is extra special with everything in full bloom. Go for a walk in the park, hike a trail, or just sit outside and enjoy the fresh air. Nature is very calming and helps you feel peaceful. It also gives you a chance to think and reflect on what is important to you.

  • One of my daily intentions is taking a walk break at work. Productivity goes up, and I get to enjoy some of the awesome whether during my workday.

Practice Mindfulness:

One of the reason time seems to fly is because we are not anchored in the present moment. This means paying attention to the present moment, taking time to pause. You can do this by meditating, being intentional with one thing at a time, or simply taking deep breaths and focusing on your breathing. Mindfulness helps reduce stress and increases joy.

Make Time for People Who Fill Your Cup:

Surround yourself with positive people. Spend time with friends and family who make you feel good about yourself and learn to say no to those that don’t. Connection and love are a huge part of our inner peace.

Lastly, Put Yourself FIRST.

Remember that it’s okay to take breaks, say no when needed, and have fun. Do things that make you happy, whether it’s playing a sport, painting, or just relaxing with a good movie. They key is to give yourself permission to do this, hang up your martyr card and take time to enjoy and have fun! Taking care of yourself gives your more capacity for everything and everyone else in your life.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your summer and get the emotional nourishment you need. Enjoy every moment!

With love,


The Positive Change Group

The Power of Your Words and How You Can Change Your Life

We have so many superpowers that can immediately change our lives, and yet we do not always pay enough attention.

One of the biggest superpowers we have is the power of our words. We underestimate how words affect our reality.  Working in the emotional health space I have seen how detrimental words can be in that we can carry emotional shackles from the time we are young based on what others have said to us. These emotional shackles can affect our confidence, our belief in ourselves and for many we can be holding ourselves back or keeping ourselves small all based on the effects that people’s words have had on us from the time we were a child.

The good news

As powerful as words can be to create trauma or negatively impact our abilities or trust in self, they also have the opposite effect by appropriately changing words to have a more positive impact.

The words we tell ourselves carry more power than what anyone else says to us. The emotional healing we can get from changing our inner dialogue to a more positive one can almost immediately create a change in our reality.

For example, if you are used to saying “This is so hard”, “It is hard for me to do this”, “Nothing comes easy in life”, then you are essentially programing “Hard” into your subconscious mind and as a result things do feel hard. I know for me this program was deeply coded in me from the time I was a kid. There came a point in my life where I hit rock bottom burnout and knew I needed to make a change. I tried to change my outer world with no luck because the power of change is within. Then I changed the dialogue in my own head and my biggest shift was replacing the word ‘Hard’ with ‘Ease’.

Incredible things started happening once I did this. Ease became my more familiar mantra. When things felt hard, I stopped and said no, this comes to me with ease. Scaling a business with ease, writing two books, raising teenagers etc. all shifted when I shifted the words within my head. This does not mean you will never face challenges however the challenges become growth opportunities, and steps to leap ahead rather than weigh you down or rock your confidence. Changing our words is about healthy living.  It is important to teach our kids this concept so that they understand the power within to create an incredible life. Words hold energy and being mindful of what we tell ourselves is the most self-loving and empowering tool we have.

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work implies that our intentions and words carry weight and influences the world around us. His work suggests a stewardship of language and thought, proposing that the quality of our interactions could literally reshape the physical world. For example, this image shows a frozen water crystals under a microscope. One influenced by the words “I Can’t Do It” the other with “I Can Do It”.

Power Word Exercise: 💚

Take a piece of paper and outline 3 hearts on your paper.

In each one of the hearts write down your 3 power words you are embodying for the rest of this year.


  • Close your eyes and connect with your breath. Breath in for 4 counts hold for 2, breath out for 6. Repeat this 4-6 times until you feel yourself calm and centre.
  • Let the breath flow with ease and ask yourself for your 3 power words. Let your heart speak to you and don’t question what comes.
  • Write these 3 words down in your hearts, infuse them with love energy.
  • One by one close your eyes and feel the energy of each word in your body.
  • Use your paper as a visual anchor so you can look at your power words each day. This will help to code your subconscious mind.

My 3 power words this year are:

  1. Ease
  2. Vibrance
  3. Leap

Other great words that I have gotten from my clients that you can use for inspiration:

  • Freedom
  • Movement
  • Healthy
  • Unstoppable
  • Capable
  • Confident
  • Fun
  • Enjoy
  • Peace
  • Ease
  • Connection
  • Me First
  • Priority
  • Resilient
  • Belief
  • Faith

Words carry energy, everything is energy, hence the power of our words have the power to change things we experience in our lives.

by Julie Cass

The positive Change Group

SELF CARE HABITS that will make you love yourself more!

SELF CARE HABITS that will make you love yourself more!

Do you feel busy and overwhelmed by lack of time. This is true for so many professional women, and the problem is we tend to sacrifice our own wellbeing when we feel pressed for time. However this leads to burnout and overwhelm which creates the negative downward cycle of spinning our wheels and leaching our joy.

We need to change in order for it to change.

Are you ready to boost your energy and your outlook on life?

When you incorporate self care habits it changes your energy and vibration which changes your life. Time can be our biggest excuse but it is not a matter of time in is what you are prioritizing and it is time to start prioritizing YOU!

Before you know it, this will feel like a normal part of your everyday routines. Let’s take a look at self care habits and begin with adding a little luxury to your life:

Add Luxury to Your Life

Luxuries can be small little thing that makes you feel so much joy. Making your favourite tea, taking a bubble bath, or having a pedicure are great examples of little luxuries. Some of my favourite luxuries don’t cost a dime; like taking a walk in a park, hiking on trails, or simply enjoying a picnic outdoors can be a luxurious and rejuvenating experience that won’t break the bank.


One thing I have learned over my years is that our bodies are meant to move. Finding ways to move your body that feel enjoyable and fulfilling is an important aspect of caring for yourself. If you don’t have time for a work out, simply pick up the pace on routine walks and stairs. You can take 2 trips to unpack the car instead of one and get those extra ‘steps’ into your day.

Body movement offers you better emotional health. The more you do it, the better you will feel.


Decluttering your space can have numerous benefits for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It’s a simple yet powerful way to improve the overall quality of your life and create a space that supports calm. Any underlying stress that you may be feeling might originate from clutter.

To start pick one room to start. Maybe your office or your bedroom. Notice how the extra space makes you feel. Clarity in your space connects to clarity in your mind which sparks creativity.

Inner Dialogue

One of the healthiest and most self-loving things you can do is upgrade the internal dialogue from inner-critic to inner-cheerleader.

To stop negative self talk we must first become aware when we are doing it. As soon as you realize you have slipped into negative thinking, stop it in its tracks! To do this don’t let the thought finish, see a stop sign in front of you or a big X that blocks the thought. Then replace that thought with a positive, self promoting thought. The more you do this the more you reprogram your subconscious mind until it begin to believe this new dialogue.

Yes, your mind will begin another round of negative self-talk, however every time you become aware and immediately interrupt them, it gets easier and easier, less and less.

When you notice negative self-talk, you can challenge yourself by asking “Is this true?” and “Would I say this to a friend?” Chances are the harshness that you speak to yourself would not come close to what you would say to a friend. This realization not only reframes your thoughts more positively, it also helps you to practice self-compassion.

Replace negative thinking with positive affirmations that you know are true about yourself.

Over time, your brain can rewire itself to more positive self-talk. This will be the biggest and most self-loving thing you can do because you will notice your life around you begins to change as you change your internal dialogue. This is your POWER!

Julie Cass

The Positive Change Group

Try a Self-Care Retreat.

Hygge-Inspired Holiday Wellness

Cozy ambiance with decorated Christmas tree in front of a wood fireplace.

Hygge-Inspired Holiday Wellness

Hygge is a Danish concept that encompasses coziness, comfort, and well-being. It encompasses holiday wellness. You can explore how to incorporate hygge principles into the holiday season for a more mindful and relaxing December.

Here are a few ideas to help you set the holiday stage.

  1. Embracing Cozy Rituals: Create cozy holiday rituals like hot cocoa by the fire, reading by candlelight, or warm blankets for a sense of comfort and relaxation.
    • In our home we have a few holiday favorite movies where we make popcorn, light a fire and cozy up together with blankets.
    • Some of our favourites: The holiday, Love Actually, Hallmark Cheese (okay, that is for me mostly), The Noel Diary.
  1. Mindful Gift-Giving: Choose thoughtful, meaningful gifts that focus on experiences, quality, and personal connections rather than consumerism.
    • This year we chose to take the kids our for a special night rather than a gift. We are still doing stockings, but our emotional cups are all filled with more quality connection. So we are giving the gift of time and connection.
  2. Stress Reduction Techniques: Remember stress management during the holiday season. You can choose practices such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga.
    • Some of my Favorite Breath Techniques are the following to create an instant shift:
  1. Healthy Holiday Recipes: Share recipes for nourishing, comforting, and wholesome holiday dishes that prioritize both taste and well-being.
  2. Digital Detox: Disconnect from screens and social media to foster genuine connections with loved ones during the holidays.
    • In or house we have sacred times that are tech free: Mealtimes are tech-free, before bed is tech free (other than using your device for a meditation 😊)
  3. Gratitude and Reflection: Reflect on the year, express gratitude, and set positive intentions for the upcoming one.
    • Gratitude Practice: For 30 days write down 3 things you are feeling appreciation for, big or small, you will be amazed at the energy shift you feel in your body.
  4. Sustainable Celebrations: Have an eco-friendly holiday season, including reducing waste, recycling, and supporting sustainable brands.

We could all use a little extra “Hygge” this holiday season. Just remember how powerful you are when you set a clear intention you create with so much ease. Set and intention for “Hygge” and you will feel the magic around you.

From our Team at the Positive Change we wish you a:

Happy, Healthy and Hygge Holiday Season.

With Love,

Julie, Susan and Team.

The Positive Change Group

Nature’s Frequencies on Wellbeing

Nature’s Frequencies on Wellbeing

The concept of nature having a “frequency” can refer to a variety of patterns and cycles found in nature.

For instance, the Schumann resonances are electromagnetic waves that resonate around Earth’s atmosphere and are often associated with the “frequency” of the Earth, typically around 7.83 Hz. These resonances have been a topic of interest in the scientific community for their potential impacts on human biology and behavior.

In a more abstract sense, “nature’s frequency” can also refer to the ambiance or the overall energy of a natural setting, which many people find calming and restorative.

It’s certainly true that there are many rhythmic, cyclical patterns in nature, and that interacting with these patterns can have profound effects on human health and well-being.

Nature’s Frequencies is Recognized for Restorative Properties on Mental Well-being

The sound of ocean waves or rustling leaves can reduce stress and anxiety levels by triggering relaxation responses in the brain, leading to a sense of tranquility and inner peace. Similarly, these frequencies can foster concentration, making them a popular choice for mindfulness practices and meditation.

Physical Health Benefits Associated with Nature’s Frequencies

Some studies suggest that exposure to sunlight’s frequency can help regulate sleep cycles and improve mood by managing melatonin and serotonin production in our body. Likewise, the grounding effect experienced when walking barefoot on earth (often referred to as “earthing”) is thought to neutralize negative ions in our body. Earthing, potentially reduces inflammation and improving overall health.

Encourages Outdoor Activity

Interacting with nature’s frequencies encourages outdoor activity. This engagement not only promotes physical exercise but also provides opportunities for social interaction and bonding, which are both essential for emotional health and building strong, supportive communities.

Nature’s Frequencies on Creativity

Natural settings and their associated sounds can stimulate the brain and foster a creative mindset. It is also beneficial in various domains, from problem-solving to artistic expression.

The benefits of nature’s frequencies extend across various aspects of human health, fostering mental tranquility, physical well-being, and creative thinking. As the world becomes increasingly urbanized, finding ways to maintain our connection with these natural rhythms and patterns could be key to ensuring our holistic health and well-being.

Nature’s Role in Becoming Conscious

Spending time in nature can greatly assist in maintaining focus on the present moment, a concept central to mindfulness, the practice of bringing one’s attention to the experiences occurring in the present moment.

Natural settings, with their intricate sights, sounds, and smells, provide rich stimuli that can anchor attention in the present moment. When you’re paying attention to the rustling of leaves, the smell of damp earth, or the feel of a cool breeze on your skin, you’re actively engaging with the here and now, rather than dwelling on past memories or future concerns.

This can be especially beneficial for those struggling with anxiety or stress, as these conditions often involve excessive worrying about the past or the future. Being immersed in nature and attuning to its sensory experiences can be a grounding experience, pulling one out from the whirl of thoughts and offering respite from mental stressors.

Moreover, nature tends to operate at a slower pace than our often hectic modern lives. This slower rhythm can help us slow down as well.  It reduces the tendency to rush or multitask and enabling us to engage more fully with our current experiences.

In this way, spending time in nature can help promote a state of mindfulness, increasing awareness of the present moment and contributing to overall mental well-being.

Need a jumpstart to your happiness? Why not book a free consultation to discuss how hypnosis can help?

by Julie Cass



Are you Ready to Let Go?

Are you Ready to Let Go?


The willingness to let go this fall is a beautiful reminder of the natural rhythms that happen within the change of season. Have you noticed that fall is a time of letting go? We see the trees literally letting go of their leaves, and when we do this from an emotional healing place, it gives us space to let in the new.

Before it gives us space to let in the new, it also gives us clarity; clarity of what we want. Clarity of what our new program can be. On more dreams, bigger dreams, and aspirations.

When we are bogged down with limiting beliefs, whether that’s insecurities, feelings of not being good enough, it would do us good to let go of the things that don’t serve us. Are you repeating a program from the time you were a child that has held you in darkness and not allowed you to shine your light?

What are you willing to and permitting to release and let go to create clarity; to empty your tank? Let’s look right now at all the things that you can let go of.

Old Habits:

October can be a great time to reflect on unhealthy or unproductive habits and consider letting go of them to make room for personal growth.

Grudges and Resentments:

Just as trees shed their leaves to start anew, individuals can release grudges and resentments that may be holding them back from moving forward in their relationships and personal well-being.

Stress and Anxiety:

Autumn can be a time to embrace tranquility and reduce stress. Letting go of excessive worry or anxiety can help create mental space for a sense of calm.

Material Possessions:

As you witness nature simplifying itself, you might consider decluttering your own life by letting go of material possessions you no longer need.

Negative Self-Talk:

Shedding self-doubt and negative self-talk can be a powerful way to promote mental and emotional growth.


Release unrealistic expectations you may have placed on yourself or others, allowing for more authentic and less stressful relationships and experiences.


Just as the falling leaves can symbolize the shedding of regrets, it’s a good time to reflect on past mistakes, learn from them, and let go of any lingering regrets that may be hindering personal growth.

Past Attachments:

Whether it’s relationships, memories, or experiences that no longer serve you, October can be a time to release attachments to the past and embrace the present moment.


Face your fears and consider letting go of irrational or limiting fears that may be holding you back from pursuing your goals and dreams.

Expectations of Perfection:

Let go of the need to be perfect in every aspect of your life. Instead, embrace imperfection as a natural part of the human experience.

When we link the idea of letting go with hypnosis, we achieve an emotional detox. The healing power is really in just releasing and letting go so that the magic of transformation can happen.

Tips on how we let go when we notice the leaves falling from the trees.

  1. Become consciously aware of the thoughts in your mind that are creating disharmony, meaning emotional discomfort. You can do this by questioning your emotions and asking, “What is my emotion connected to?” “What thoughts or programs am I telling myself?” Once we can pinpoint the thought then we can simply do a tapping exercise to let that go.
  2. Do a brain dump. Write in your journal all the negative things you’re ready to let go of. Just do a brain dump on a journal very cathartically to let it out. You can burn that page, ceremoniously if you like. The key is to just let go of what no longer serves while sitting in presence.

The idea of letting go during October when the trees shed their leaves can be a metaphorical reflection on personal growth, change, and renewal.

By Julie Cass

The Positive Change Group


Want to create your magic?

Want to create your magic?

Turn up the volume on your SELF-WORTH.

I have learned in my own life and what I have witnessed with my clients over the years is that real magic begins to happen when we can really feel, understand, and believe in our own WORTH.

So much of our disharmony or fear, anger, frustration reflects how we feel about ourselves. We may feel frustrated because something we wanted so badly has not happened. We may feel hurt because we were rejected by a client or maybe a love interest. Or we feel disappointed when something does not work out the way we anticipated.  This all then feeds into a deeper well of not feeling worthy enough.

The issue is, most of us do not understand or connect the dots with this having anything to do with our feelings of lack of self-worth.  Many times, we just feel it is bad luck or worse we criticize ourselves by saying things like; “I’m never going to find a love, I am never going to get this promotion.” etc.

Let’s break this cycle now and create some magic.

I have seen so much magic happen, almost instantly, with myself and my clients when we re-program our minds to feel our unlimited worth.

When we act from a place of elevated worth, we feel worthy to be happy, we feel worthy to relax, we feel worthy to fulfill our desires, we feel worthy to love what we do for a living. It is unlimited to what we can attract that feels so amazing when we act from a place of self-worth.

The real magic in life is knowing your own worth without having to rely on the outside world to give you this validation. It is knowing you are worthy because you are here, because you breathe. It is not having to accomplish another goal to feel it, to achieve a better grade to feel it, to get recognition to feel it. These outside validations feel great, but they are fleeting. The feeling does not last because we become addicted to them and need more of them to keep feeling worthy.  It is not true inner peace; it is only temporary.

Creating real inner peace is knowing you are worthy no matter what.

To know that you are enough right now and that you don’t need to prove anything to anyone to be worthy.

When we understand this and feel this, the best thing happens; all the things you want start to happen in flow.  They do not need to feel like a struggle. It just happens. And yes, it feels good when it happens, but it certainly does not define your worth. Because you already know you are worthy regardless of what is happening around you.

That is living in magic. That is what is possible for you.

To work on reprograming the mind, you can do this through hypnosis and getting our body into a relaxed state so we can begin a new dominant thought around self-worth and love. A new belief and knowing of our worth. Becoming aware and focusing on our core being is vital in detecting our worth. One of the best ways to becoming aware of who we really are is to temporarily let go of the numerous titles we identify with, i.e. a Mother, a Sister, our career,  etc. What is left?

To help you do this I have created a beautiful meditation on Self-Worth.

My suggestion is to listen to this before bed every night and allow your subconscious mind to get a new program and unlock the well and depths of your WORTH.

You got this.

Enjoy the magic.


The Positive Change Group

Work Life Balance – Why it is impossible to achieve unless we internally shift.

Work Life Balance

Why it is impossible to achieve unless we internally shift.


Work-life balance is something that millions of people try an achieve every year with very little success often leading to burnout and overwhelm.  What exactly does work life balance mean and why has this become one of the most sought-after ideals of our modern-day world?

Work-life balance is often referred to as balancing the time we spend at work with time spent in our personal lives including time with loved ones, social time and selfcare.  The problem with this is we may never actually get a balance between the two, however what is important is how you feel.  The truth is it is nearly impossible to achieve balance all the time because there will be time-sensitive deadlines or projects that come up with work and throw the balance off.

So how do we successfully manage this delicate equilibrium between the demands of work and personal life?

Rather than waiting for your external world to give you the balance, they key is understanding that it is an internal job to achieve this balance. So much of this has to do with our perspective on things. What is the story we are telling ourselves and where is your mind right now?  Many times, we feel out of balance because our mind and body are disconnected.

Let me explain.

1. Upgrading the ‘story’ we tell ourselves

A mindful approach to your thoughts will help you achieve inner peace and balance. Many times, our inner story is around telling ourselves how hard something is or complaining about the task at hand or the person we need to deal with. A self loving or balanced approach to creating inner peace must first come from changing inner dialogue to more up-lifting and encouraging statements such as:

“I got this.”

“I am strong, and I can handle this.”

“This project might be demanding but I can do it and I am giving myself the necessary breaks I need to recharge.”

“This might feel like a challenge right now, but the answer is always there, and I will figure it out with ease and grace.”

“Right now, I am going to solely focus on work and then tonight when I am home, I will enjoy a wonderful meal with my family.”

If you want to feel better the most effective way is to change your internal story. You will feel better when you change what you tell yourself!

2. Connecting Your Mind and Body – Being Present

Being present is an essential aspect of attaining work-life balance. It means fully engaging and immersing oneself in the present moment, whether at work or in personal life. When you are present, you can give your undivided attention to the task at hand, improving productivity and efficiency. Being present also enables you to connect with others on a deeper level, fostering stronger relationships and social support networks.

In the context of work, being present means focusing on the task at hand, minimizing distractions, and practicing mindfulness. It involves being fully engaged in work-related activities and avoiding multitasking, which can lead to decreased productivity and increased stress.  Multitasking is like fracturing your energy trying to divide yourself in pieces leaving you feeling depleted. With singular focus, you can be more present and hence more productive and achieve better outcomes. Ultimately, you will feel better and have a bigger sense of accomplishment allowing you to leave work at work.

Conversely, being present in personal life entails dedicating quality time to loved ones, pursuing hobbies and interests, and taking care of yourself physically and emotionally. It involves setting aside work-related thoughts and concerns and being fully present with family and friends. Set your device aside and engage in activities that promote relaxation and rejuvenation. Being present in personal life helps you recharge your batteries and find fulfillment outside of work. This meditation is helpful in becoming aware of the present moment.

Work-life balance is primarily an internal working that necessitates self-reflection, setting priorities, and making conscious choices. Being present in both work and personal life is crucial for achieving a good balance. By cultivating mindfulness and being fully engaged in the present moment, you can enhance your overall well-being, improve productivity, and foster meaningful connections in all aspects of your life.

by Julie Cass

The Positive Change Group


A Mental Detox to Create Your Best Summer

A Mental Detox

To Create Your Best Summer Yet

This is a great time of year to do a mental detox and prepare for your best summer ever. There are so many things around us that can trigger a warm feeling inside of gratitude and appreciation. Today while driving, I noticed how green the trees are as they are in full bloom. It gave me a feeling of gratitude that we have the whole summer ahead of us and the warmer weather is here.  Also it reminded me that this life is meant to be lived, it is meant to smile more, to laugh more and find the things that bring us joy. It is meant to let go of our worries as they are a waste of time and elevate our mindset so we can really start living now.

Mental Detox, Not Tomorrow But Now.

My own life really changed when I became more disciplined about my mind and the thoughts I was telling myself. As much as I would feel joy when I would accomplish something, it was only temporary joy. I would quickly be consumed with the next thing on my To Do list. The real bliss happened when, no matter what was going on in my own life, I became more decerning of steering my internal program to a positive one. I love working with my clients on how to elevate their mindset because it is clear how quickly we see changes in one’s moods, stress, and overall happiness.

The following are a few quick tips to help you elevate your mindset today and start to experience a more positive and fulfilling life.

Start your day with “I GET TO”

When you first open your eyes in the morning begin to train your brain into focusing on the positive by saying: “I get to…”  A simple change form I have to, to I get to will create a huge shift in how you feel and how you start your day.

For example upon first opening your eyes say to yourself:

“I get to wake up and have a glass of water, I get to move my body, I get to take a warm shower, I get to choose what to wear today etc…”

This list can go on and on but what you are doing is so powerful because instead of saying I have to which feels like obligation, you are shifting to focus on appreciation of all the privileges you have.

Activate the Feel-Good Hormone

Our bodies are meant to move but not just for physical health but for mental health as well. Did you know moving your body naturally releases the bodies ‘feel good’ hormone; Serotonin? My morning movement is always motivated by how it will make me feel. I always find my capacity is increased for dealing with curve balls that the day might bring, when I have moved my body first.

Engage in regular physical activities that you enjoy, such as swimming, hiking, cycling, or playing sports. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you move your body and the summer is a great time to get outside and do this.  Remember, regular exercise releases endorphins, which can boost your mood and energy levels.

Every morning tell yourself: “I choose to feel good, so I choose to move my body today.”

A Healthy Eating Mindset

When we feel well, we eat well, when we eat well we feel well. It is a great reciprocal relationship but the opposite can be true. When we feel emotionally drained or stressed many of us will opt for “comfort food” to help us cope.

There are many other alternatives that we can use to help deal with stress such as breathing, meditation, walks in nature, focusing on what is in our control etc. When it comes to food, we need to start changing our relationship with food so we don’t use it to self-medicate.

The first thing to do is remember we eat for energy. When you have a busy work week choose foods that will give you the most brain power and energy. This will be mostly fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and a small amount of whole grains. The best rule is to rule out anything that comes in a package because it tends to be more processed. The more food is in a natural state, the more energy giving the food is.

A healthy food mindset will be one that tells your body: “Today I am eating whole foods that give me energy, today I am going to enjoy healthy foods that feels good to my body and mind.”

I love food and I love indulging from time to time in those comfort foods, but it is a very different mindset when we do this mindfully and intentionally at certain times like the weekend and not every day as a habit or crutch to try and feel better. And remember when you do indulge, a healthy mindset does it guilt free and with a lot of joy!

Some key tips for healthy eating

  • Stay hydrated and drink lots of water (Water before coffee in the am)
  • Meal planning – planning your meals midweek will take all the pressure off those last minute crunches where we tend to opt for easy and convenient and not healthy choices.
  • Meal prep will help you stay healthy. Prewash your fruits and veggies and keep them in glass containers in the fridge.
  • Summer salads are a great way to get your veggies in. I do a chunky ’empty the fridge’ salad where I load up on my raw veggies, it adds crunch and gives variety.
  • Daily fasting – our digestive systems need a break. Try to fast at least 12-14 hrs a day. For more information on the health benefits of fasting click here.
  • Remember your Mindset: “I get to eat healthy foods today.”

Socialize with Like Minds

Spend more time with people who make you feel good. A positive mind will attract a positive mind. Like attracts like so schedule and make time for those people in your life and tell them how much you appreciate them. Expressing gratitude for others goes a long way and feels amazing.

I Prioritize ME

We are the captains of our ship, the navigators of our life, and ultimately 100% responsible for our happiness and our misery.  The great news is that happiness is in your power when you prioritize your happiness and your Self.

Setting aside time every day for yourself to connect inwards and to relax is essential food for the mind. This is our brain’s chance to recharge and reconnect with self.

A daily practice of meditation, nature walks, journaling or breath work is a great way to do this.

Remember it all starts with the mind. If you tell yourself that you are a priority, the body will follow. Action around self becomes easier once the mind decides.

Make a sticky note right now and put it somewhere that is visible. “I AM A PRIORITY”.

Keep repeating this until the mind understands and says; yes you are. Now go do something for yourself that feels good!

Remember a positive mind creates a positive life. It all starts with our mind and what we are telling ourselves.

By following these tips, you can keep feeling great as summer approaches and make the most of this vibrant and joyful season. Embrace the warmth, sunshine, and endless possibilities that summer brings!

by Julie Cass of The Positive Change Group

To learn more about Julie’s exclusive coaching to help you master the challenges in your life please book your call HERE.