Creating a Winter Wellness Plan

warming feet by the fireplace

How to Embrace Winter

As we know, many Canadian’s get into a slump around this time of year, as the days get shorter and the temperature gets colder.

Mindset is everything and I have some simple things you can do to help embrace the months ahead.

Creating a Winter Wellness Plan

The winter months can be a time to thrive instead of just plowing through the days, and wishing the time away. It can be a time to create some wonderful memories a time for laughter, a time to thrive with a little sprinkle of warm and cozy.

Having a winter wellness plan allows you to mentally set an intention and a clear path on how to cultivate joy for the season.

Simply set a specific intention on how you are going to embrace the winter. Our minds are so powerful and dictate so much of how we feel, so when we set a clear intention we are priming our mind for happiness and peace no matter how cold it gets outside.

Hear are some intentions I have on my plan:

  1. Really appreciating my warm coat, scarf, mitts and walking my dog every night.
  2. Dusting off my skates and looking for opportunities to embrace the kid in me.
  3. Having cozy candlelit dinners with the family.
  4. Putting something on the calendar to look forward to like a date night with your partner or friend.
  5. Using my diffuser daily  to fill my house and office with warm cozy, uplifting aromas.

Winter Wellness Plan Image

What’s on your winter wellness plan?

Additional Tips to Keep Your Mind Elevated this Winter

Simple pleasures at home can make a difference in shifting your mood and lifting the energy in your home:

  • Light a candle or turn the fireplace on to set a cozy ambiance.
  • Have a nice collection of teas for soothing comfort after a meal. add ref to Yogi tea and makes house smell great.
  • Take a warm bubble bath.
  • Diffuse essential oils like cinnamon, cloves and orange for an uplifting aroma.
  • Cuddle on the coach with your favourite blanket, a good book or uplifting movie.

Anything that creates warmth and comfort in the home also creates it in the mind; don’t you agree?

Winter is an excellent time to take better care of yourself, and we’re here for you. By planning ahead, you can avoid most of the things that lead to stress during this time of year. Take a few minutes to work through a wellness plan so you can stay happy and healthy throughout winter.

More Winter Wellness Tips

  • Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is one of the best ways to reduce stress and improve your mood. If you have trouble falling asleep, try going to bed earlier, or doing something relaxing like reading before bedtime.

  • Plan for Meals and Snacks

You should always have healthy snacks on hand to help you avoid overeating at meals. Try putting together a few different types of snacks to keep things interesting.

  • Practice Breathing Exercises

Inhaling deeply can help you relax and reduce stress levels throughout your body.

  • Connect more with people that feel good to be around.

Connection is important, the right connection will lift your spirits.

  • Get Moving

You should aim to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. It’s best to do this in several short bursts throughout the day rather than one long session. You don’t need to go for a run or lift weights to lower stress and improve your mood. Try going for a walk after dinner, or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Find a walking buddy or workout buddy that can help keep you accountable.

  • Last and certainly not least; remember to take time for yourself! Winter is a great time for inner reflection. Daily meditations or journaling can be just what your soul needs for that warm peaceful, self-loving feeling.


with Love,

Julie Cass

The Positive Change Group