Spring – A Great Time to RESET

Spring – A Great Time to RESET!

Nature is magical and spring is one of the best times of the year to notice the amazing transformation and flow that happens before our eyes.

After the long winter months of introspection and being dormant, nature starts to bloom and come to life. It’s an opportunity to embrace new beginnings and set powerful new intentions around your own blossoming.

Ready to Bloom like spring?

The following are great ways to let go of the old and bring in some new. Allow yourself to follow the rhythm of nature and blossom.

Cleansing Old Thought Patterns

Spring is a great time to shed some thoughts that no longer feel good.

Make a list of the thoughts that no longer serve you. You will know what these thoughts are because they don’t make you feel good.

Exercise: Take out a pen and write down a limiting thought. Now write down the exact opposite as your unlimiting thought – the thought that makes you feel good instead.

Repeat the new thought until it becomes more familiar than the old thought.  You will feel the energetic shift allowing you to bloom.

Powerful Intentions for Spring and Summer

Setting intentions is one of the most powerful things we can do because we become proactive rather than reactive, to life.  By setting powerful and clear intentions we take charge of our life and how we want to feel and what we want to attract.  The change of seasons is a great time to set new intentions around, fun, laughter, connections, health etc.  Setting intentions is a great way to create new patterns in life and lift your energy.

The Power of Breath Work to Feel an Instant Shift.

In times of stress we need a quick shift – your breath is your best friend!

The cleansing breath below is one of my favourites to create a quick energetic shift and give yourself instant relief.

Cleansing Breath Exercise:

Inhale love, open your arms, open your heart centre.

Exhale stress, bring your arms in and give yourself a big loving hug.



Nature’s Remedies

Nature has a magical way of grounding us as our electromagnetic frequency resonates with nature. We can feel wonderful healing shifts by spending time in nature.

Read more about Nature’s Remedy for Mental Wellness.

Spring Cleaning for Wellness

Decluttering and organizing our living spaces, can have positive effects on our mental and emotional well-being. Some of the benefits of spring cleaning include:

  1. Reducing stress: Clutter and disorganization in our living spaces can contribute to feelings of stress and overwhelm. By decluttering and organizing our space, we can create a more peaceful and calming environment, which can help reduce stress levels.
  2. Improving focus and productivity: A clean and organized space can help improve our focus and productivity by reducing distractions and allowing us to better concentrate on our tasks.
  3. Boosting mood: A clutter-free and organized space can also help improve our mood and overall well-being. Studies have shown that a clean and organized environment can lead to increased feelings of happiness and satisfaction.
  4. Creating a sense of accomplishment: Completing a spring cleaning project, such as cleaning out a closet or organizing a room, can give us a sense of accomplishment and boost our self-esteem.

Overall, spring cleaning can help improve our mental and emotional well-being by reducing stress, improving focus and productivity, boosting mood, and creating a sense of accomplishment.

Megan Authors – home organizer has great tips for Clutter Clearing this Spring.

Refresh Your Pantry – Spring Menu Planning

Our bodies crave different foods as it gets warmer. One possible reason for this is that during the winter months, our bodies tend to crave warmer, heavier foods to help keep us warm and provide energy. As the weather gets warmer in the spring, our bodies may start to crave lighter, fresher foods that are more hydrating and refreshing.

Start to work with more fresh herbs and greens as they begin to come into season, such as strawberries, asparagus, and spinach. Our bodies may naturally crave these foods as they become more readily available and provide the nutrients that our bodies need after a winter of heavier eating.

Change Colours

Add some pops of colour to the house!

Easy colour changes that make a big impact can be: Pillows, Throws, Towels, and even your attire.

Spring Reset Meditation

As we are coming out of our ‘hibernation’, inner reflection and quiet time are always important to bloom. Try my morning reset meditation HERE.

Mental Health Support

Finally, consider seeking out support from a mental health expert or a life coach. As a professional, I can offer guidance and support as you navigate your spring reset, and can help you develop a personalized plan for achieving your goals. Book your free consultation with me HERE.

In conclusion, a spring reset can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. As you embrace the new beginnings of spring, remember that the greatest transformation starts from within. The changing of the seasons offers us an opportunity to reflect on our lives, let go of what no longer serves us, and embrace new beginnings.

By Julie Cass; founder of The Positive Change Group

Feel Empowered – Take Control of Your Life

Ever feel like things are so out of control in your life?

I know I have. When things feel out of control, they become overwhelming and heavy. It can cause great stress, anxiety and worse; over time if we don’t do something about this feeling, it can lead to chronic stress or depression.

The good news is that there are things we can do to take back control and really understand that we have the power to feel peace, to feel safe and to have faith.

I realized a long time ago when I was so tired of living in fear that I had to do something to feel better. The real change happened when I stopped waiting for my world to get right, before I could feel right.

I knew to change how I felt, I had to shift. It was and is the only way.

Here is fantastic news, you have the power to shift! And when you realize that by changing some of your internal programing, you can literally change how you feel and hence how you experience your life. You will be able to exhale because you realize that you are in control and always will be.

Ready to get into the driver’s seat of your life?

Here are some simple tools to use to take back your control and begin to smile more.

Ways to take control back and feel empowered in your own life:


Pay attention to the thoughts in your head:

Everything in our life begins with our thoughts. Our thoughts ultimately create how we experience our life. If something does not feel good the first things to ask are;

“What am I telling my self in this moment. What am I thinking in this moment?”


If you change your mind about the problem, it can’t exist:

I know this might sound so strange but it is true and it works. There cannot be a problem if you change your dialog or thought around it. Even if someone has done something to hurt you or upset you, you can still change your thoughts about it, you can change your STORY.

“Why is this showing up for me?

“What is my trigger?”

“What can I learn from this situation?

“What might be the wake up or the blessing here for me?”

“This is only temporary, this will pass, I will and can get through this, in fact I will thrive because of this!”

Start to change your internal dialogue and you will start to change how you feel. You will take more control back.


Turn Limiting Beliefs into Unlimiting Beliefs:

A belief dictates our life experiences but remember a belief is simply a thought that you have had for a long time and put on repeat. A belief is your belief, and if you don’t like how it is limiting you, then start to change your thought to reprogram your belief.

Have you ever noticed why success looks easy for some people? It is not because they have different tools then you, they just have a different belief than you. They believe that success is inevitable for them and hence they achieve it , attract it or manifest it.

Never underestimate the power of your beliefs and if they are in any way holding you in fear, then I recommend that you starting to change your internal program.


Prioritize yourself:

The biggest tool to take control of your life and feel more joy is to know without a doubt that “You are a priority”. When we grow the well of self love everything else in our life changes. We love ourselves deeper and others take cue on how to love us deeper. My book ‘Me First’ goes in-depth on prioritizing self.

When we prioritize ourselves we also prioritize feeling good so it becomes effortless to do things that feel good like eating healthy, getting enough sleep, moving our bodies etc.  We do this from a place of inspiration rather than by force, knowing that prioritizing ourselves must come first.


Surround yourself with positive influences and thoughts:

Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you, and limit time with negative influences.

Our sense of obligation can mislead us into spending time with toxic people. If spending time with certain people doesn’t feel good, then limit or eliminate it. I know sometimes this includes family and this can be difficult, but you are always in control of how much time you decide to spend or devote to people that seem to bring you down. This is having self-loving boundaries, if it doesn’t feel good then it isn’t.  Ask yourself: “What am I willing to tolerate? How much of myself am I willing to give?”


Take 100% responsibility:

When we don’t blame others for our unhappiness, we get our power back!

We are responsible for our own happiness and also for our own misery.

When you truly get this you can live the most empowered life with full control because when something doesn’t feel right you get to change it. Change it by your thoughts, your actions and your reactions.

Your body will never lie to you, so let it guide you on this beautiful journey, tune into your emotions and acknowledge them. And then when you are ready to feel better you simply start by changing your mind about it.

You have this power, you always have, your mind is a big muscle and it takes practice and persistence but it will listen, you will shift, and you will feel better.

Want more help?

Link to my sleep meditation to help with re-programing.

Link to learn about my Hypnosis Sessions.

Julie Cass

How to Deepen the Connection with Your Partner

couple in love

How to Deepen the Connection with Your Partner

Deepen relationships – We’ve been tested over the last few years and couples have been spending more time together but not necessarily quality time. Reports show that divorce rates have been on the rise since the start of the pandemic and it appears to be continuing.

So how do couples keep the spark alive while deepening the connection with each other? Here are some tips on how to reconnect with your partner and make Valentines 2023 special. Deepen relationship:

Take Some Solo Time to Deepen Your Connection with Self

This might sound counter-intuitive for how to deepen your connection with your partner, yet it is the first and most important thing to do.  We can only go as deep with another human-being based on how deep we go with ourselves. We can only love and connect with another based on how deep the well of self love and connection goes within.

Most couples who are unhappy feel it is the other who makes them unhappy.  The most important thing is to find your happiness first, love yourself first then you will be able to bloom in a relationship. The more you cultivate your own self-love, you will raise your vibration and your relationship will shift because of it. And it will shift the way it needs too.

Cultivating a deeper sense of peace and love can be as simple as taking some quiet time for yourself daily.

For example:

  • Journaling
  • Meditating
  • Reading
  • Anything that fills your energetic cup

It is important to express your desire for self-care so that your partner can honour that request, and vice versa.

Emotional Intimacy

Fostering emotional intimacy is as important, if not more important than physical intimacy. We have been starving for emotional intimacy and one of the most powerful ways to foster this is by taking time to connect with no distractions.  That means putting the device away, turning the TV off and actually talking.  The best gift you can give another is the gift of your PRESENCE.

Emotional intimacy is something we should cultivate daily. One of the best ways to do this is to lean into your vulnerability and express your fears and ask them about theirs, share your dreams and goals for this upcoming year. Taking time to talk about the deeper things in life and not just “what’s for diner”  will help the keep the connection deep.  However, the key to remember here is people only want to share and will feel safe to be vulnerable when you are present with them and not distracted. Being present shows you care.


Prioritize Each Other

You can only bloom what you choose to nourish.

It is very easy for couples to put their relationship on the backburner especially when the kids are young.  However, the long term effects of this can be detrimental.  Ask yourself how we as a couple are nourishing this relationship. What is important to us both. For one it might be quality time, for another it could be random acts of kindness.  A great book to read is ‘The 5 Love Languages’ by Gary Chapman. It can help you find your, and your partner’s love language so you can better understand how to connect with one another and what is important to each.

Consider date nights

Couples can be creative and have some fun when organizing date night, whether it be a night out or stay at home. If you have kids, this can be something simple like ordering a pizza for the kids and having a candle light dinner together while the kids are distracted with their favourite movie. It’s all about the intention you put behind it. Do you enjoy cooking together? Is there an activity that you can both enjoy doing together?

The most important thing is to remember that your relationship is a priority. When you both decide it is then you will be more mindful on how you nourish it so it can continuously bloom. If you feel you have gotten off track and are feeling disconnected it is okay. You can focus on what you do want to feel and make some changes to take steps towards a deeper connection.

One of the things we always do in our home is remind each other that we are a team, and we have each others back.  This simple reminder when things feel off can help to get you back on track.

Lastly, connecting with your partner is not just about Valentine’s Day, it is about making each other and your relationship a priority all year.

And when you prioritize yourself first, I promise you will have more to give to your partner and also you increase your capacity to receive more love.

Check out Julie’s book “Me First” for more on how to prioritize yourself, for deepening your connections with others.

by Julie Cass

The Positive Change Group


Empower Yourself!

Empower Yourself

You like many Canadians might be struggling to keep your mood up and your goals on track. Statistics show only 9% of Canadians stick to their New Years Resolutions. What are we doing wrong and how can you empower yourself?

The key is to approach this from a different perspective and there is only one true way to make anything stick. Your mind needs to decide first and then the body will follow.

I want to share with you 3 simple mindset shifts to create lasting positive habits for a new better feeling you. Setting goals and intentions are needed but upgrading your mindset is what makes healthy habits stick.

3 Mindset Up-grades for a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Re-prioritizing Self – “I am a Priority”
  • Many of us do not believe we are a priority, and until that belief changes it is almost impossible to create self-care habits that stick.
  • Upgrade your belief system by telling yourself over and over again “I am a Priority”.
  • “No time” is no longer an excuse – because you have changed what you prioritize and it is never about time, it is simply about what we prioritize.
  1. Do what feels good
  • Use your feelings as a motivator – everyone wants to feel better so use your feelings as a motivator.
  • Ask yourself: How will this morning walk make me feel?
  • Make a list of all the healthy habits that make you feel better e.g.: hiking outside, skating, clean eating, yoga, meditation, reading, journaling, etc.
  1. Mindset shift – moving from “I have to” to “I get to”
  • Upgrading the mind to “I get to” i.e. – I get to work out, I get to go for a walk, I get to take a yoga class. This will create a shift in your body, and you will feel a level of appreciation rather than another thing on the To-Do list
  • Gratitude and appreciation shifts our attitude and our energy. It is a wonderful self-healing emotion, and we can learn to feel more of it. Using “I get to”, helps you to feel this energy more.


The end result is lasting change that becomes a lifestyle rather than a temporary goal or the viscous cycle of healthy vs unhealthy choices. Once it become a lifestyle you don’t even need new years resolutions. You might need a little reset after holiday indulgence but that is easy to achieve.

To really integrate lifestyle changes around food, It is time to start changing your relationship around your own personal health. It must always be a priority no matter what, and your personal health should never be something you negotiate.

When you adopt an ‘I am a priority’ mentality you will always be working towards your own personal alignment with each choice you make throughout the day and your own personal alignment is always about what will FEEL the best for you.

The beautiful thing about this is we allow ourselves to indulge and enjoy, like over the holidays but with a mindful approach.

What is a mindful approach around eating?

A mindful approach is that I am really going to enjoy my food with no guilt or shame. (Which are the lowest energies for us to feel) A mindful approach is I am going to enjoy this delicious piece of chocolate cake with appreciation and joy.  The energy of how you eat is just as important as what you eat. When we eat with guilt, we make our food worse for our health.

Infuse each bite with love an appreciation. Not only will you enjoy it more, but it is easy to self-regulate because you have adopted a healthy lifestyle you might only want one piece of cake and you will still regularly work out and move your body because ultimately it feels better.

In Conclusion…

Don’t beat yourself up around your choices or if you haven’t been able to stick to some new goals.

Remember a couple of key things:
  1. You can hit the reset button at any moment.
  2. Don’t give up on your health
  3. Upgrade your mindset around a healthy lifestyle being top priority
  4. Enjoy food with appreciation and no guilt and you will be able self-regulate with ease.

You have all the power within you to make changes, just know you are a priority first and empower yourself.

For more information and techniques on how to do this, pick-up a copy of my best-selling book ‘Me First’ HERE,

or from Amazon.

by Julie Cass

The Positive Change Group

Creating a Winter Wellness Plan

warming feet by the fireplace

How to Embrace Winter

As we know, many Canadian’s get into a slump around this time of year, as the days get shorter and the temperature gets colder.

Mindset is everything and I have some simple things you can do to help embrace the months ahead.

Creating a Winter Wellness Plan

The winter months can be a time to thrive instead of just plowing through the days, and wishing the time away. It can be a time to create some wonderful memories a time for laughter, a time to thrive with a little sprinkle of warm and cozy.

Having a winter wellness plan allows you to mentally set an intention and a clear path on how to cultivate joy for the season.

Simply set a specific intention on how you are going to embrace the winter. Our minds are so powerful and dictate so much of how we feel, so when we set a clear intention we are priming our mind for happiness and peace no matter how cold it gets outside.

Hear are some intentions I have on my plan:

  1. Really appreciating my warm coat, scarf, mitts and walking my dog every night.
  2. Dusting off my skates and looking for opportunities to embrace the kid in me.
  3. Having cozy candlelit dinners with the family.
  4. Putting something on the calendar to look forward to like a date night with your partner or friend.
  5. Using my diffuser daily  to fill my house and office with warm cozy, uplifting aromas.

Winter Wellness Plan Image

What’s on your winter wellness plan?

Additional Tips to Keep Your Mind Elevated this Winter

Simple pleasures at home can make a difference in shifting your mood and lifting the energy in your home:

  • Light a candle or turn the fireplace on to set a cozy ambiance.
  • Have a nice collection of teas for soothing comfort after a meal. add ref to Yogi tea and makes house smell great.
  • Take a warm bubble bath.
  • Diffuse essential oils like cinnamon, cloves and orange for an uplifting aroma.
  • Cuddle on the coach with your favourite blanket, a good book or uplifting movie.

Anything that creates warmth and comfort in the home also creates it in the mind; don’t you agree?

Winter is an excellent time to take better care of yourself, and we’re here for you. By planning ahead, you can avoid most of the things that lead to stress during this time of year. Take a few minutes to work through a wellness plan so you can stay happy and healthy throughout winter.

More Winter Wellness Tips

  • Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is one of the best ways to reduce stress and improve your mood. If you have trouble falling asleep, try going to bed earlier, or doing something relaxing like reading before bedtime.

  • Plan for Meals and Snacks

You should always have healthy snacks on hand to help you avoid overeating at meals. Try putting together a few different types of snacks to keep things interesting.

  • Practice Breathing Exercises

Inhaling deeply can help you relax and reduce stress levels throughout your body.

  • Connect more with people that feel good to be around.

Connection is important, the right connection will lift your spirits.

  • Get Moving

You should aim to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. It’s best to do this in several short bursts throughout the day rather than one long session. You don’t need to go for a run or lift weights to lower stress and improve your mood. Try going for a walk after dinner, or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Find a walking buddy or workout buddy that can help keep you accountable.

  • Last and certainly not least; remember to take time for yourself! Winter is a great time for inner reflection. Daily meditations or journaling can be just what your soul needs for that warm peaceful, self-loving feeling.


with Love,

Julie Cass

The Positive Change Group


Making Yourself a Priority

Me First Bestselling book - make yourself a priority

“You become a better person by sacrificing yourself, putting your own needs second and other people’s needs first.” Does this statement sound familiar? It is a lie we have been told that we need to do this in order to be a better person. Nothing could be farther from the truth. 

It is time to let go of the stigma around putting “Me First”. 

It is no one else’s job to make you happy. You are the only one who can do this for you. So then the same holds true for others.  It is never your job to prioritize someone else before yourself, especially their happiness. You will fail every time as they are the only ones who can do it for themselves. 

What Does it Mean to Make Yourself a Priority?

Making yourself a priority is often confused with being selfish. Can you accomplish your dreams while you are drowning? Self-prioritization simply means putting yourself, your goals, and your visions first, because no one else can do it for you. It means letting go of the distractions that stop you from doing this and telling yourself “I am a priority” until you believe it. 

Creating a positive change in our lives and how we exist with others is crucial. To achieve this, one must be aligned to one’s core values, stay motivated, stay emotionally and physically resilient, and maintain a happy life. Oftentimes, however, we focus so much on delivering these values and making a difference in those around us, that we forget the most crucial element to success: our physical and mental health.

Making yourself a priority means you focus on these key elements of success. You prioritize what makes you happy, keeping your health and mental well-being at the forefront. It means focusing on the things that give you energy rather than what depletes you. It means upgrading the internal dialogue to that of deep self love and encouragement rather than self criticism. It means being intentional about prioritizing your happiness and loving yourself enough to choose happiness in life, from your career to your love interests to your daily habits.

Why Is it Important to Make Yourself a Priority?

Life will always have its ups and downs and the most important thing that gets us through is our perspective. When we do not prioritize ourselves it is very easy to not only lose perspective but also get angry and resentful. 

You need energy, bandwidth, and mental wellness to wake up every morning to seize the day. You can only achieve this state if you are focused on yourself and your goals. Most people get frustrated, stressed, and even fall into depression when they can’t accomplish their goals – mostly because they are busy taking care of others.

When you make yourself a priority, you build clarity around the boundaries. You can easily say ‘no’ even when the situation may be compelling you to say ‘yes.’ Agreeing to something that could affect your focus eats away at something inside of you – but not if you set clear boundaries.

Furthermore, prioritizing yourself allows you to stay true to yourself. It means you are constantly doing self checks of what feels good and when it doesn’t feel good it is a sign to pivot or gain a different perspective. When we stay true to ourselves we are able to keep on track with what lights us up and what gives us excitement. We also are able to have ample energy for the people and things we love because we are not constantly draining ourselves. 

Making Yourself a Priority Boosts your Productivity

Disorganization, which comes when you feel like you are being pulled in multiple directions, diverges your energy and focus, affecting productivity. You can create plans with a focus on specific paths to follow, which helps you achieve your goals when you put yourself first. Making decisions and acting organized enables you to focus your energy on a specific task, which leads to improved productivity.

10 Ways to Make Yourself a Priority

Here are 10 ideas you can follow to make yourself a priority.

  1. Set boundaries and keep them
  2. Have a consistent morning routine to set you up for success
  3. Understand that self-care is not a luxury – it’s a necessity
  4. Set aside time for yourself and mark it on the calendar
  5. Put more effort and value into your physical health – sleep well, eat well and exercise more.
  6. Tune into your feelings. They will always be the perfect guide to letting you know you are on track because it will feel good. 
  7. Listen to the “Self-talk” and upgrade the dialogue to more positive talk when necessary. 
  8. You are unique, so stop comparing yourself to others – follow a growth mindset instead.
  9. Always set aside time for appreciation – let yourself feel the things you are most grateful for.
  10. Focus on what is in your control only. The rest will drain your energy.

If you feel like you have been working too hard to impress others, it’s time to change that. It does not mean becoming selfish – just working more on yourself and ignoring the fear of what others may say or think. Don’t ignore your personal needs when striving to achieve your goals: self-prioritization = a happier and more fulfilling life. 

Remember: one key thing is the more we prioritize our happiness the bigger impact we have on those around us. 

Need more tips on how to put yourself first? Check out my book “Me First” to better understand how to prioritize yourself.

How to Live an Optimized Life

How to Live an Optimized Life
You may have mixed emotions based on life over the past two years. Are you hoping for change and improvement and yet feel disappointed?
If you are tired of feeling frustrated and want to live a fully vibrant life instead, then there are a few key principles that are necessary for us to integrate.

Below are tips on how to live an optimized life.


Raise your vibration any chance you get:
Pay more attention to how you feel. Your feelings are your roadmap to letting you know if you are living an optimal life.
  • When your conversations feel heavy, then change the subject.
  • If what you are watching doesn’t make you feel good, then change the channel.
  • If what you are listening to doesn’t make you feel good, then change it to something that does.
Raising your vibration is one of the most powerful things you can do to create a happier reality. Use your feelings as your guide and do more of what feels good.
Focus on what is in your control:
There have been many things that have been out of our control the past couple of years. When we focus our attention on this, we feel heavy and it breeds fear. Instead, focus on what’s in your control as this will heighten your energy and your mood and help you know how to live an optimized life.
Ask for what you want:
Being clear on what you want to create in 2022 is the first step to manifesting. Being more deliberate in your creations is called being a “conscious creator”. In order to do this:
1. Get clear on what you want.
2. Don’t put any attention on what you don’t want.
Many of us are programed to focus more on what we don’t want and the problem with this is that you create more of what you don’t want.
2022 is the perfect time to make these changes and deliberately bring in more of what you do want.
Let gratitude change your attitude:


When we have gratitude for what we have we always feel better. This raises our vibration instantly. Also if we can have gratitude for what we desire and believe it is coming, this is where the true magic happens.
Let gratitude for what is and what is to come be your focus this year.
The Positive Change Group offers an ‘Empowered’ course online, you can check it out HERE.